Episode 1

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"What just happened?" Pidge looked confused.

'I don't know, but I feel like someone has just helped us.' Green looked just as confused.

"Who cares? Wormhole!" Hunk shouted in happiness.

'Hunk is right, let's get out of here before Zarkon comes back for round 2!' Yellow telepathically spoke to her sisters.

Then Allura began to open up a Wormhole and was about to go through it, but a moment after they entered the wormhole, Haggar corrupted the wormhole with her sorcery by blasting a beam of black energy. Suddenly the Castle of Lions struggles to keep its balance in the unstable temporal rift.

"Coran, what's happening?" Shiro asked Coran.

"The integrity of the wormhole has been compromised. It's breaking down!" Coran responded, checking the computer.

"What does that mean?" Lance asked Coran, her voice calm and somewhat soothing but not helpful enough.

"It means we have no control over where we're headed!" Coran was freaking out.

The Castle of Lion gave another massive lurch and the five Lions were thrown from their bays, while their hanger doors were still open.

"Keith! Shiro!" Lance called just before she fell out of the wormhole.

They flew out into the wormhole before crashing into the sides of it, ejected into space at completely random intervals, leaving Coran, Allura, and the mice alone in the castle.

"They've vanished through the temporal rift!" Allura shouted as beads of sweat covered her, "The Lions are gone!"


Shiro and Keith were thrown from the castle, ejected from the wormhole, sending them and the Black and Red Lion careening through space, until they arrived at a rocky grey deserted like planet, however Keith and Shiro both struggle to keep their Lions at course as they both fall to the atmosphere.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Keith tried to regain the Red Lion's control.

Seeing that there's no other way to control his Lion, he starts to brace for impact, as the Red Lion slammed into the planet. Keith blacked out for a moment from the force of the crash, but he wake as he groan for a bit.

"You okay, Red?" Keith asked as he pulled back the controls.

'Ugh. . . Sorta, I'm really weak after trying to fight Zarkon.' Red groaned in pain, 'We're so lucky that your girlfriend could help us.'

"Okay. We'll fix you up. We had a tough battle." Keith said, completely ignoring the girlfriend part, as he climbs up from his Lion to see a desolate land, "Where are we? Where have we landed?"

Keith himself and the Red Lion in a massive, grey wasteland with floating rocks all around him, it was kinda similar to the desert back home, but this felt much more miserable and all grey.

'I don't know, whatever that witch hit us with her magic, it really separate us from the Castle of Lions... Wait, where are Black and Shiro?'  Red asked and Keith gasps in realization.

"Shiro." Keith turned around and looked the opposite way, "Shiro!" 

"Red, you stay here, I'll try to find Shiro and the Black Lion, and come back for you." Keith ordered.

'Alright, go find them Keith, I'll be fine here.'  Red replied and Keith starts to go find Shiro and the Black Lion.


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