Lui- Resilence

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All rights reserved to Hiro Morita.

Lui continued to war with himself.

The sky was a soft gradient of red topped by pink, and the air rang with wispy frost trails. The pale yellow of the sun beat down on him. While anyone else would be gawking at the sight before them, Lui simply turned his back to the scene before and returned to his meditation.

As much as he'd disregarded the practice in the past, the current state of the Blading world was cause for some reconsideration. His recent defeats at the God Bladers Cup against Free and Shu had devastated his status as champion, leaving him to simmer in hate at rank four, with that clown, Valt, of all people, having stolen the crown in the end. The final thought made his shark-like teeth grind against each other as he felt a heat boiling through his veins.

He'd worked so hard. He deserved to win-

"No! No, screwing up." He said, catching himself as he ended his meditation and stood up to make his way through the withered and frozen woods of the island. He couldn't lose himself to his anger, as hard as it was, given that it was all anyone knew him for, outside of his blue flame hair, white boa, and short stature, but anger would only get in the way of his victory, with all the strong Bladers out there, going off the rails would only drag him down.

That said, trying to stay calm felt wrong in a way. Anger came to him as naturally as breathing. He could probably count on both hands the times he didn't feel the heat of his aggression pulsing through his veins. But being calm felt like being stagnant like his entire body had hollowed out and cooled. As weird as it was, Lui kept those thoughts buried.

He was using this to survive. That was all that mattered.

As the frozen foliage began to fall away, Lui found his violet and ringed eyes trained on an earth-brown peak that stood before him, piercing the obnoxious pink of the gradient; the mountain was vast and coiled with earthy steps, ones that led up to an ominous skull that radiated a massive glow of violet from its eyes and mouth, causing Lui to smile knowingly.

Here I come, Longinus. He rounded his way up the peak, recalling how his Bey, his partner, had been cleaved in two by a blood-lusted Shu and his monstrous Spriggan Requiem, only to be brought here for its rebirth, with the finishing touches leaving it overflowing with great power, a power that would be more than enough to stomp out Spriggan or any other Bey that stood before it. He could see it now, Shu's face paling as Spriggan burst in front of his red eyes, and all he had to do was make it up these steps.

"Just you wait, Shu," The tyrant said smiling-Only for his smile to drop as a blast of cold struck him, causing him to stumble to his knees as the biting chill colonized his flesh, causing him to crease his brow.

S-stupid coldNo. No. Keep it together! The gnawing cold made its way down to his body. He gripped his arctic jacket while trotting on his way, his new steps gaining pathetic lumber as he struggled against the cold, only to be met with blast after blast of chills and pains. He staggered again before lunging forward despite the pain; this wouldn't stop him, he told himself. Nothing would.

Lui crouched himself on the pathway of the mountain, his eyes were tired, and his wispy breaths labored as his pinkish hands clawed their way over to the base of the peak and slumped his back against it as he felt the cold striking him with more frequency and ferocity than ever before, causing him to shiver and hack up a cough before staring upwards at the now familiar, now mocking violet, his vision clotted by his wildly blowing hair.

How long had it been? He couldn't tell. All his head could conjure was seething contempt for the bitter winds surrounding him as he clenched his fists. It couldn't be like this. He was stronger than this, far stronger! It was all just so-

Bite it down! His thoughts scolded bitterly as his hair nicked his face. No screw-ups.

Lui felt torn, steeling his rage felt right but at the same time so wrong. he had a right to be angry. Angry at the chills that beat him down, kept him from his partner, his revenge, his destiny! It couldn't be like this. It shouldn't be like this!

"N-no, no, screw that!!" he hissed before standing against the rocky wall, clawing his way along the structure. as the bitterness pooled through his body. The heat it gave off simmered against the cold as he dragged himself along the mountain, only for a frigid blast to crash over him again. Lui felt his hands stumble as he hit his knees, panting again.

"I said, screw that! Screw all of it!!" He shouted as he grasped the base, clawing forward as the rage's heat grew as the cold withered as he continued his trek, eventually rushing into the skull with labored breaths, his eyes being overwhelmed by the now glaring violet consuming the rock walls of the skull's interior, only for it to shrink and yield at his presence, the light condensing into a single object on a gray desk next to in front of a pale white Beystadium; an object Lui knew all too well.

"Bloody Longinus, at last."

His partner was finally ready for use as the new metal he placed in its frame had finally cooled, and its overwhelming power finally settled into its new form.

"Alright then, Longinus, time to pick up where we left off !" he said, grinning as he picked up his Bey. He turned to the Beystadium, clamping Longinus to his launcher, pointing it at the stadium floor, and gripping the ripcord.




"Go shoot!!!" he shouted as Longinus flew towards the stadium floor, hitting it and emanating a wave of force that echoed throughout the isle, shattering the frozen foliage below as if venting a rage of its own.

A rage Lui knew would consume everything in the Blading world.

Just Lui being ticked as usual.

Apologies for my absents last week. A pesky little thing called life got in my way, but I'm doing better now.

Fun fact: this is actually a retooled version of the first one of these stories I made.

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