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Sky: Who's our guest host this time?

Little: Ethen! He's also your last!

Sky: Our last? Woo! Finally!

Mango: Why did we even have all these guest hosts in the first place?

Little: That will be revealed in the next chapter.

Aspen: It's a surprise? Aw...

Little: I already told you Aspen.

Aspen: Oh right! I forgot!

Little: Just don't tell anyone, alright?

Aspen: Right!

Moonie: Hey Littlecloud, did you ever find Martin and Bodil?

Little: Um, yeah... They're not going to be in this session.

Moonie: Why...?

Little: I accidentally hit them too hard with a frying pan...

Everyone: ...

Little: Well, I'll be going now! Bye! *leaves*

Aspen: Wait... Ethen's our guest host?

Ethen: *enters*

Aspen: ETHEN! *runs up and hugs Ethen*

Sky: Hey... You have another crush?

Simon: Oooo, is someone jealous?

Sky: N-No!

Ethen: Hey Aspen. Long time no see.

Aspen: *lets go of Ethen* I can't believe we're seeing each other again! Do you remember Ethfall?

Ethen: That never happened.

Aspen: Yeah, I guess your right...

Ethen: Just saying. Now, we should get this thing started. Dan, how about you go?

Dan: Me? Um...

Moonie: *hands Dan an envelope*

Dan: *opens envelope* Request from @Blazzium... Dare Sky to stay in the End for a few days.

Sky: Why does everyone hate me?!

Pew: They don't hate you, you're just funny.

Seto: Alright, so I guess I should teleport you-

Ethen: I could do it.

Seto: You know magic? Finally, another sorcerer!

Mango: But now you're not special.

Seto: ... I'm still special.

Ethen: So, should I teleport him?

Seto: Oh yeah, sure.

Ethen: *teleports Sky to End*

~~~ A few days later~~~

PopularMMOs: Yeah! I win!

Stampy: Oh come on, again? How are you this good at chess?

PopularMMOs: *shrugs* I just am.

Dan: Hey guys? We should probably teleport Sky back. It's been a few days.

Seto: Fine. *teleports Sky back*

Sky: ... I'm not in the End. *grins* WOO! I'M NOT IN THE END! YEAH!

Mango: Calm down, it couldn't have been that bad, right?

Sky: You have no idea what I went through.

Ethen: *puts down cards* Well, I guess I have to go then.

Aspen: Can we at least finish our game?

Ethen: No, Littlecloud's probably waiting to come back.

Seth: Speaking of that, what does Little do while we do our sessions?

Ethen: *shrugs* No idea.

Pew: Huh. I wonder...

Ethen: Anyway, I have to go. Bye! *leaves*

PopularMMOs: I actually want to know what she does.

Simon: We could ask her.

Stampy: Here she comes!

Little: *enters* Hey guys! How did the session go?

Mango: We have a question for you.

Little: Ok...?

Mango: What do you do when we do our sessions?

Little: Oh I just read at home.

Aspen: Aw... I was hoping it would be something more exciting than that...

Little: Sorry. Anyway, thanks for reading! Bye!

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