New People and Competition!

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Little: So hi. We had a few... technical difficulties.

Sky: You're apartment was burned down! By him! Over a bag of Doritos!

Ant: This is probably really weird sounding to the readers.

Sky: So basically, I went into the kitchen and saw a bag of Doritos on the table. Since I was hungry, I ate the Doritos. Next thing you know, the apartment is burning. We rush outside, wondering what the f*** is going on, when Jeffery says he burned it down because I ate his Doritos!

Little: Don't swear. But that's pretty much what happened.

Jeffery: What? I like food.

Sky: Everyone likes food but you don't burn down someone's home because someone eats your Doritos!

Ty: Sky, calm down. I mean, having to do this in a warehouse isn't too bad.

Little: Yeah Sky! Anyway, let me introduce the 3 new people! Stampy, Moonie, and Jefferygoodzone.

Sky: *mutters* Doesn't seem that good to me.

Mango: I know how you feel Sky. Even I am not amused.

Moonie: Hi people!

Stampy: Hi.

Jeffery: ...

Little: Since I think we have a bit too many people in our group, I will no longer be accepting OCs into the group. You can still suggest Youtubers, but I might not put them in.

DanTDM: And...

Little: Competition time! Since we are forced to do the truth or dare in this warehouse until my apartment gets repaired, I figured now would be a good time to eliminate someone from the group.

Everyone except Littlecloud: Wait, what?!

Aspen: Oh no.

Pew: I don't wanna leave!

Bashur: Noooooo!

Little: So vote for your least favorite person, not based on videos but on this book, and whoever has the most votes will be eliminated! We will still continue truth or dare in the meantime so yeah. Start voting!

Jefferygoodzone: 1
Sky: 1
Bashur: 1
SethBling: 1

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