New Location!

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Aspen: Woah.

Sky: This house is amazing!

Bodil: It actually ain't bad.

Seto: Look at all these books! *pulls book down from shelf and begins to read it*

Ethen: *comes downstairs* Hey, hey get away from there. I moved the bookcases for a reason.

Seto: Why? So people wouldn't read the books?

Ethen: No, because of that. *points to Bodil, who is trying to knock a bookcase over on top of Simon*

Seto: Oh...

Ethen: Alright, everyone to the living room!

Everyone: *goes to the living room*

Mango: TV! *tries to runs over to TV, but Ethen stops her*

Ethen: No TV. Sit.

Mango: *grumbles* Fine... *sits down on chair*

Ethen: Alright, so who's going first?

Moonie: I have seven requests that we need to do. *holds up seven envelopes*

Sky: Where do you even get the requests from? Why aren't they going to the host?

Moonie: I dunno. All I know is that they appear in my mail for some reason.

Ethen: Alright... So what's the first request?

Moonie: *opens first envelope* The first request is from @PatrickPerez7... To have Sky tell everyone what he thinks about them, like a friend, best friend, ect.

Sky: That doesn't seem too hard.

Moonie: But if he isn't completely honest, he can't eat butter for a whole month.

Sky: ...F***.

Ethen: We still have the no swearing rule.

Sky: Fine. Alright, let's start with PewDiePie.

Moonie: Wait! I almost forgot! You have to say what you think about everyone, that includes people who were kicked out.

Sky: So that means like Bashur and stuff?

Moonie: Yep.

Sky: Alright. PewDiePie, I guess I like you. You're funny. Don't know if I would count you as a friend though, since we don't hang out much.

Pew: Um, thanks?

Sky: Mango, you're flipping crazy.

Mango: I am not! Well, maybe I am...

Sky: Aspen, you're a stalker and delusional, but I still kinda like you. But not in a crush way, in a friend way.

Aspen: Thanks...?

Simon: *mutters* I'm pretty sure he has a crush on her but whatever.

Sky: Bodil, you're a mass murderer. Enough said.

Bodil: And I enjoy being one.

Sky: Simon, you're laugh is hilarious and you're funny but you need to control your anger.

Simon: Hey! My anger is one of the best things about me!

Dan: So would you count him as a friend?

Sky: I guess. We only did a few videos together though.

Simon: Well I don't like you either! Hmph! Wait what?

Sky: Ethen, I don't really know you but I guess you're cool.

Ethen: Thanks, I guess.

Sky: Seth, you're the brains of this group. Not that we really need brains, but you keep us from getting killed in a car accident or something. Same thing for you Dan. And Ant.

Seth: Thanks. And I mean that sincerely.

Sky: Seto, you're cool but you need to get back on YouTube. People are worrying about you! Oh, and I count you as a best friend.

Seto: I know, I know. And thanks.

Sky: PopularMMOs, you need to speak more! You're so quiet!

PopularMMOs: *mutters* I would rather be quiet than an idiot.

Sky: Martin, I like you but I was pretty upset when you said you just used me for subscribers. So, your kinda a friend, but kinda not.

Martin: Wait what?! I never said that!

Sky: Not here, but on Twitter.

Mango: Oh yeah. I remember seeing a bunch of people get angry over that.

Aspen: ... I need to tell Littlecloud that her boyfriend's an a**hole! *jumps out the window and runs towards Littlecloud's apartment*

Martin: I-I...

Sky: Moonie, your cool and I don't want to hate you but it's kinda hard not to when you're the bringer of all the dares that make my life pretty much a living hell.

Moonie: ...I'm not sure how to respond to that.

Sky: Stampy, you're a cat and that's awesome.

Stampy: I thought you liked dogs?

Sky: I do. But I also like cats.

Stampy: Huh.

Sky: Littlecloud was nice I guess. I didn't like the no swearing rule. Too bad we still have it...

Ethen: Hey, that's not my fault. She told me that I had to have it.

Sky: Oh well. I really liked Ty being here. He was funny, and my best friend. I wonder why people voted for him to be eliminated...

Moonie: Because he made ships, that's why.

Sky: Hey, I make ships and people still like me!

Moonie: *rolls eyes* Yeah right. I bet if we had another elimination thingy, you would be voted for.

Sky: Why you-!

Ethen: Hey, hey calm down! Sky, get back to your dare!

Sky: *mutters* Fine... Bashur was cool, and a great friend. Not much more to say. And Jeffery... I think you guys already know how I feel about him. Is there anyone I missed?

Ethen: ...I don't think so.

Moonie: Alrighty then! Next request... *begins to open second envelope*

Ethen: No, I think that's enough for today. This has gone on long enough.

Moonie: Can I at least see what it is?

Ethen: Fine.

Moonie: Thanks! *finishes opening second envelope* Alright, the next request is from @MiaStarlight, and it's a dare for Sky.

Sky: Another one?!

Moonie: Yep! And it's that you have to date a squid.

Sky: ...F***!

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