A New Hatred!

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Littlecloud: Hi! We are ba-

Sky: Arggg!

Ty: Arggg!



PopularMMOs: Are you two ok?

Ty: Ok your face!

PopularMMOs: Hey!

Sky: Do we have to be ponies this chapter?

Little: Um, no, I wasn't planning on that.

Sky: Then let's jump out the window! *runs to the window*

Bodil: *grabs Sky and pulls him away from the window* You could have been hurt!

Sky: No, Seto is right there. *points out the window*

Bashur: *looks out the window* He's right!

Little: *runs to window* Hey Seto! Want to play truth or dare with us?

Seto: Your the girl who invited me to play Spin the Bottle, right?

Little: Yep! Do you want to play?

Seto: Sure. It can't be too bad. *walks inside Littlecloud's apartment*

Little: I was going to have Dawnables but it seems she is late. *shrugs*

Ty: Arggg!


Seth: I think they're drunk.

Little: Can you help, Seto?

Seto: *puts duck tape on their mouths* Done.

Sky: Mmmmm!

Ty: Mmmmm!



Mango: Ugh. Can't we just not include them in this chapter? They are drunk.

Little: No. Sky already left last episode and I don't want them to drive drunk.

Mango: Good point.

Pew: More crazy people! YEAH!

DanTDM: Actually they're drunk. But they're pretty crazy normally, too.

Pew: I know. I've been here, like, 3 times before.

Simon: Has it really been that many?

Little: LET'S JUST GET STARTED! You go Seto.

Seto: Ok. DanTDM, truth or dare?

DanTDM: Wow. Nobody asked me before. Dare?

Seto: I can practice one spell on you.

DanTDM: What?! What does it do?

Seto: It's supposed to heal you but it can turn you into a giant tentacle monster.

Sky: Mmmmmm! (Translation: The risk is high!)

DanTDM: Oh. So I guess I have to get hurt?

Seto: Yep. Jump out the window.

DanTDM: *jumps out the window* This hurts so bad...

Seto: *brings DanTDM back into the room with a levitation spell*

Little: Cool! Magic!

Ant: Of course he is going to do magic. That's even the dare!

DanTDM: It hurts so bad. Just... Kill me.

Seto: No. *uses healing spell*

DanTDM: There is no more pain! *looks at arm* And I'm not a giant tentacle monster! Yes!

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