Prologue - Found With the Trees

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⚠️Implications of Violence⚠️

Shallowed breaths and laboured breathing, pain coursing through every inch of her body as she lays partially curled up on the floor. She wasn't sure how she arrived at her current predicament, at least, not in the way of where she was.

She knew where these injuries came from, the cuts and bruises along her skin, the bullet wound in her shoulder - the object having thankfully missed her wing entirely - and the breathing so laboured she could hardly make another sound. It was from attempting to run, that's the bullet wound, the bruises and cuts came from what happened when she got caught, and the breathing came from the sheer panic and desperation she felt when she was ripped away from her twin brother and the flock.

That wasn't the only cause for the breathing, neither for the massive headache that attacked her on all sides. That was from something else, something she didn't care to pretend to even understand. She knew it was because of the wack job scientists from the School, not an actual place of education but really a place of sheer torture and experiments.

She shifted and let out another laboured gasp out of pain, and she struggled to open her heavy eyes as she let out strangled coughs. Leaves were rustling underneath her right side as she tried to move slightly to get a better view of her surroundings, exhaustion flooding over her, as she finally managed to open her eyes.

It was all blurry at first, and she blinked slowly to let her eyesight adjust. On the left everything was dark, nothing entering the field of vision on that one side, whereas on the right her strands of strawberry blonde hair made the light seem to come into view in the small spaces between where her hair parts. As the light came peering in, she shut her eyes once more as a striking pain entered her brain once more.

"Pops, there's someone over there."

A voice flowed into her ears, and she flinched at the sound as anxiety began to build inside of her. The voice was male, somewhat soft and soothing, but even with how his voice sounded, her body was struck with both pain and fear at that moment, as an older male voice spoke,

"She looks badly injured. Come on, Mash, help me get her to the house."

The words were in another language, she could tell that instinctively, but each word easily translated themselves in her mind to help her understand what they were saying. She began to play dead, but fear was covering her like a blanket as she heard their steps coming closer. She was absolutely and positively terrified, thinking the worst as their steps finally came to a stop in front of her.

She felt a cough creeping up her throat, tasting the metallic taste of blood and she couldn't stop the quick action of coughing up and hacking the blood from her throat. The movement and action made both men stop muttering to themselves about her condition, and she shakily opened her eyes.

Pain was all over her features, as well as fear, as her blind eye and her seeing eye land on the two in front of her. An older man, his head bald and with eyes that seemed kind and concerned with a scar running down his cheek, as well as a boy, probably around her age, with black hair and golden eyes. She soon lifted her head painfully upwards, and the concern in the older man's eyes became even more prominent.

"H-Help..." Another cough prevented her from speaking fully, and she painfully crept backwards. "Help me..." She whispered, and once again, her vision went dark and her head fell back onto the ground surrounding her.


Mash could only stare, somewhat blankly, at the newly unconscious girl lying on the forest floor. He felt a surge of anger in him, but he didn't know what to do with that energy as he kneeled down next to the injured, frightened and cold girl. He raised his head towards his father figure, who seemed to only be able to stare at the young girl with concern and confusion.

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