82 - Mash Burnedead, Kat Ride and the Visionary of Fire (2)

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Kaldo Gehenna continues to speak as Headmaster Wahlberg refuses to respond, Gazzy peering at the Visionary cautiously as his voice escapes him, "The only reason Rayne became a Visionary in his second year...is because Macaron opted not to participate last year. As the head of Magic-Talent Administration, I carefully examine every candidate."

His words make the blonde child tense, the action going unnoticed by Kaldo as he continues to speak, eyes still glaring at the interactions he sees Kat making below, "And in my opinion, the surest candidate for Divine Visionary...is Margarette Macaron. I witnessed Macaron's performance at that tournament a few years back in person. Their Secondth is truly..."

He trails off as Wahlberg eventually responds, the older gentleman slow with his words as he speaks, "Hmm...that is true..." Kaldo couldn't help but let a dry laugh slip through his lips, the Visionary quickly apologizing at the disrespectful show, "Apologies...you were agreeing with me under normal circumstances, is that right?"

Kaldo simply peeks into the direction of Wahlberg, the Headmage silent at the question as the Visionary continues his questioning, "You have a lot riding on the boy. I've yet to see what makes him worthy...of drawing so many eyes."  His words were then refuted by the Headmaster, the gentleman asking him carefully, "And what of Kat Ride?"

The inquiry makes Kaldo flinch, the Visionary casting Wahlberg another brief glance before allowing his eyes to return to the exiting figure of Kat Ride, his voice slipping past her lips, "She's...a different entity all together." Gazzy gains a confused gleam in his eyes, the blonde curious as to what the Visionary meant as Wahlberg holds back a sigh, his thoughts revealing his true feelings at the response,

'Poor girl...she keeps catching the eye of questionable individuals.' He refrains from sighing once more as Kaldo turns, preparing to leave his his mind wanders, 'Macaron is a fitting candidate for Divine Visionary, I doubt Mushroom Head has the power to compete...the difference between them is too great. And...although Kat managed to break Orter's wrist, I unfortunately doubt she'd be able to win against them either.

'I can step in if necessary...' He hides his expression carefully as he leaves, gifting the two in the space with him a silent goodbye as he heads towards his next destination. Meanwhile, in one of the waiting rooms, Margarette was sitting quietly by themselves, patiently awaiting the chance to go after Mash Burnedead while silently contemplating their chance of a battle with Kat Ride.

They didn't enjoy the thought, but the look of appreciation at being included in the challenge nearly caused the teen to smile. Leblanc Russell, however, ruined the Prefect's train of thought with his own meddling, the Lang teen showing his upset within his mind, 'Mushroom Head and that girl made me a fool in the first round. They'll pay for that.'

He approaches Margarette carefully, the Lang teen hesitant before he speaks, "Say, Margarette...did you hear? They Say Mushroom Head and Feathers have no magic. As a magic user, you gotta show them who's boss! Hey, you want me to slip a laxative into their-" His words get cut off by a finger flicking into his face, the boy going flying into the back wall, Margarette's expression dark as they glance backwards.

"The next time you try to spoil this for me...or insult her...I'll kill you." Their expression made the Lang teen shiver, as they finish off, "Got it?" Their gaze shifts behind them and towards the door at the back, Orter Madl standing leaned against the wooden object with arms crossed, "That goes for you too...Orter Madl."

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