86 - Mash Burnedead and the Magical Maestro (3)

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Bureau of Magic

A certain blonde Visionary hums slightly as he looks at the notepad within his grip, fingers twirling around one of his curly bangs as he mutters softly, "Mushroom Head and Strawberry...I wonder how they're doing?" Ryoh Grantz was calm as he leaned in his office chair, only straightening further when someone bursts through his office door in a rush,

"We've got big trouble! Innocent Zero's on the move again!" Nerey was panicked as he spoke, Ryoh only offering a sigh in response as he replies in a somewhat lax tone, "One of their leaders...? Get security on it immediately, we'll need Orter and Kaldo to buy us some time." Nerey shifted uncomfortably as he soon corrects the Visionary before him, anxiety laced within his words, "Actually...it's Innocent Zero himself!" Ryoh's eyes go wide at those words, his own slipping past his lips without a second thought, "Well, that's not good."

Meanwhile, the transformation process for Margarette continued to burst out power, Mash watching closely and tensely as he sees the Prefect's body begin to change, the sight looking painful as their body contorts. "Woah! What's going on?! I've never felt this much magical power!!" The crowd was going wild once more as they kept their eyes glued to the arena below, Kat keeping her gaze firmly planted to the exploding power as it dies down.

"Hey, is that..." An onlooker trailed off as the dust settled, their words continuing as a young individual stood where Margarette once was, their hair neatly groomed and shimmering a silver colour as eyes remain planted on the new person in the battlefield, "A kid?!" Kat blinks slightly at the sight, not expecting such a differing form of Margarette compared to their usual one, Mash muttering out softly, "...With hair."

Macaron slowly lifts up their hands, their voice coming out sounding much younger as they speak, "Just look at what you've made me become, you're quite...sinful." Their words were calm as they finally put their pinkies together in the shape on an x, Mash beginning to stammer at the sight, "Ha...hawawawawawa, they're using the pinky x..."

Kat glanced over at Lance slightly as she felt him tense, the girl shifting slightly closer to the blue haired boy as she offers the same comfort he did to her back, the teen relaxing as Margarette begins to speak up, "I'm not just younger. In this form, I have full access to my true magic power. Let me..." They trailed off as they lifted one of their hands up once more, preparing to snap, "Show you."

The sound reverberates around the arena, Macaron appearing right next to Mash with those last two words before blowing right into his ear, the boy trembling before falling to his knees. "What was that?! They moved instantaneously!" Someone shouted within the crowd, another person following up with, "I guess Mash's ears are his weak point."

Kat mutters softly at the scene below, humming as she speaks, "That's...unexpected." Lance nearly shuddering at the thought of the girl using this weakness against the black haired boy if he gets too out of hand, a silent word of encouragement slipping through his mind towards the boy as Margarette begins speaking again, "Unleashing my magic power means unleashing the spells I can use. Which means right now..."

"I've heard enough." Mash interrupts as he goes for an uppercut, only to miss as Margarette disappears for their previous spot, "They're gone?!" The Prefect comments as they watch the figure of Mash, the teen appearing at the top of one of the many walls of the encircling stands around the arena with legs crossed, "Over here." Mash mutters as he looks at the spot, his gaze flickering over Kat and hands tensing slightly as it lands on the girl, her face showing slight surprise at the sudden appearance of the third year, "All the way up there?"

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