48 - Mash Burnedead, Kat Ride and the Candle's Flame (1)

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⚠️Brief Mention of Kidnapping, Starvation & Child Abuse

In an unknown location far away...

"Father..." A familiar voice speaks into the darkness, Cell War kneeling at his spot in the room and towards a darkened space, the male continuing, "My apologies for running late, but I have found it...what was lost."

The blonde's words were said followed with a sinister smile on his lips, the male confident in his words as he hears his "Father" speak to him, "I see... At last, I will have my wish...retrieve it for me."

Previously... News of Mash and Kat's inability to use magic and their sheltering of another Lackmagic child was spreading. Meanwhile, all of Lang's coins went to Adler...bringing Mash, Kat and friends a step closer to becoming Divine Visionaries.


"I'm glad we solved that one problem so quickly. Time for our victory celebration." I watch as Mash wipes his forehead with one arm, his other holding his books to his chest as we walk down the hall. Kat was currently tending to her younger brother, the blonde child having refused to let go of her after they've been reunited.

My mind was still reeling from that day, thoughts of what had transpired that day still playing in my mind as or recall the downcast and timid form of Kat, a side of her I hadn't seen before. I speak to the boy beside me slowly, "Did we solve it though? It's more like we shouted him down...but at least the whole school doesn't..." My words get cut off as a loud voice interrupts behind me, our heads turning to look at the person speaking, "Hey, Mash Burnedead!"

A male appears behind the three, his green hair styled in an interesting way as he continues to loudly question the two before him, "Is it true you and that girl can't use magic?!" His comment makes me scream mentally, my body and mind tired from the stress that has been happening currently, 'We're ruined!' My thoughts get cut off by the male saying something once more, "Is it true that she's some kind of freak beyond that?!"

I clench my hands into fists at those words, Mash speaking up slowly from his spot beside me, frustration in his voice, "I use it, and she's not a freak." His words get repeated as he watches the guy in front of us, his words getting strung together as he continues chanting the words, "Iusemagicshe'snotafreak."

I watch as the male stares at Mash with a blank look, his voice coming out with a confused mutter, "Uh, I think he just shut down." I cheer at our successful conditioning on the boy, a mental smile appearing as I think, 'It's working! We conditioned him well!'

The male begins to speak once more, a mocking scoff slipping through his mouth as he jabs, "Don't lie, man! Everyone knows! You gotta big problem on your hands!" I huff at the words, grabbing the back of Mash's robes and beginning to drag him away from the annoying individual, my words coming out forcefully, "Let's go, Mash."

As we begin to move the male speaks up again, throwing jabs at me with his words, "Protecting non-magic users is gonna get you in trouble, Finn. You could be a student now, but this could mean expulsion for you too, Finn. You know that, right?" His words were spoken with a gleeful tone, the tone manipulative as he continues to speak, "Fess up. Those two can't really use magic. You don't wanna lie, Finn. What's the point in protecting non-magic blight-bloods like them?"

I grit my teeth at his words, my voice coming out with a defiant shout, "Shut up! Who I spend time with is my business!" My eyes land on the male being crushed into the floor by a familiar gravity spell, my thoughts matching my disappointed expression, 'I finally mustered up some courage...but next thing I know he's in the ground.'

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