02 - Mash Burnedead, Kat Ride and the Body of the Gods (1)

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I continue watching Mash doing his exercises, his next steps being this kind of kicking-crouch exercises, his legs moving rapidly as he goes. My head was getting dizzy as I watched him, seeing him go that fast without hesitation nearly driving me crazy as I chew on the cream puff he gave me.

I had just finished the cream puff by the time he was done with his exercising, and I lick some of the cream off of my fingers as I get up from my spot. I watch as he puts his other clothes over his black bodysuit. I can only shake my head at his actions and let out a small chuckle as he then comes up next to me.

"What is it?" I shake my head, giving the boy a gentle smile over my shoulder. "Nothing, just finding something amusing." As I turn my head back, I failed to notice the boy stopping in his tracks behind me, a small tint of red appearing on his cheeks.

Failing to hear steps behind me, I turn my head to look behind me again, my eyes landing on the unmoving male, who seemed shell shocked. "Are you coming, or what?" My words seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in as he shook his head violently and came up next to me as we began to walk again.

"Everything okay?" My words come out soft as I face back forward, I hear him make a sound as if to confirm he's fine, and for the rest of the way the journey was quiet. We walk past the area where I was found and I glance at the spot wearily, a part of me hoping that maybe, just maybe, one of the others could be there, alive and well, waiting to greet me. I scold myself internally at the thought, pursing my lips as we walk.

"Are you okay?" I hear his voice close to my ear, our heights being practically the same as he leaned closer next to me. When I turned my head our faces were near inches apart, the proximity making my steps falter, as I get to see those golden eyes up closer than before.

"Yeah... Fine..." My words were airy, my breath fanning across his face as his goes across mine. I step back slightly, my gaze averting as my cheeks begin to warm up. "We should get going, Pops is probably waiting for us." I can feel my own voice waver as I speak, my gaze still remaining downwards as a strange burst of shyness sparks within me.

The feeling was strange, one I've never felt before. Sure, embarrassment has been a thing I've experienced, but being shy from the proximity of another person, that's only happened with strangers, and as far as I'm concerned Mash isn't a stranger anymore. I clinch my fists around my skirt, my legs being warmed by the tights going up them.

I couldn't see Mash's expression, I didn't really want to look either, so instead I just turned to face the front and began walking again. "Don't tease me like that." I huff, muttering the words to myself as I calm down my own heart, my ears also warming up as I picture those golden eyes once more.


I watched as the mysterious strawberry blonde walks off, her face and cheeks tinted pink. The reaction stirring a smile onto my face that I wipe off quickly as I slowly jog to run up to be beside her. I glance beside me to see her muttering incoherent sentences, a language I don't understand, which surprises me somewhat as well.

I keep my surprise to myself as we walk next to each other. My eyes remaining half on her and half on the area in front of me. Her flushed face still partially there as we arrive at our home. I stand blankly in front of the door, my mind drawing a blank on how to open the door.

"Is it push or pull? I can never seem to remember." I mutter, "Well it doesn't really matter, does it?" My words seeming to fall on deaf ears as Kat remained muttering to herself and avoiding my eyes, seeming to fan herself with one hand in front of her.

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