14 - Mash Burnedead, Kat Ride and the Challenging Magic User (1)

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I continue staring at the field only glancing up briefly at the players as the announcer shouts into a mic, "It's the first match of the season! We got Adler Dorm vs. Lang Dorm! The game is already heating up, folks!!" Her voice was loud and cheery, but I couldn't find myself being amused or impressed as Mash was forced to play, the captain not even bothering to listen to his words the other day.

I was standing between Finn and Lemon, the former glancing between me, Mash and Lemon, while the latter clings to my arm, ranting about how she is already enjoying our "first date". I glance over at Finn, begging silently for help which he just responds with a shrug, unsure of what to do. I did kind of appreciate the weight on my arm though, as it took me away from the anxiety filled thoughts about the crowd around me.

I hear people around me begin to make comments about Mash at that moment, "Huh? What's with him?" A male asked looking down at the black haired boy, "It's like he's not even trying!" I sigh loudly placing a hand to my head and rubbing downwards, soon landing my head on Finn's shoulder, whining, "He tried to tell him that he can't ride a broom."

Finn laughs softly and nervously, my position preventing me from seeing the death stares Lemon is sending the poor boy being my crutch, it also preventing me from seeing the happy smile on his face at the position.


I walk between Mash and Finn, having caught up with them and being invited into the middle, answering their question about where I was when they began heading to the school. I did want to ask Finn about Rayne, but I kept meeting his brother to myself, finding it awkward to mention as Mash begins explaining the best way to make creampuffs,

"When making creampuffs, using warm batter is the key to a mouthful of happiness." Finn nods, appearing confused at the topic change, "Uh, wow..." I chuckle at his bewildered comment and say happily, "Mash knows everything about creampuffs."

My bit of information makes Finn sigh slightly, the three of us jumping when a voice echoes from behind us. "You with the mushroom head!" The loud and sudden burst with the jab at Mash's haircut made me startle and choke, my hands grabbing both Mash and Finn to steady myself from the jump scare. We turn towards the source of the noise, my hands releasing them momentarily.

"How would you like to represent Adler Dorm in a Duelo match? You can't spell ‘Life’ without ‘Fire’, so let's burn for all we're worth." The boy before us seemed older, but his commentary confusing me as I try to organize what he could possibly be saying. Behind him are two females, the duo beginning to fangirl and yet also question his intentions.

"Squee!! Ohmygosh! It's Tom, he was last year's Duelo MVP!"
"Obnoxious jocks are usually the worst, but somehow he makes it work!" My eye twitches at those comments, my mind coming up with a million things to say as they the continue about Mash, "But who is the fungus head he's talking to?" "He's depressing...I bet he collects pill bugs at home."

I scowl at the insult, shooting a glare to the two girls who flinch, retreating away from me as I then cross my arms, Mash speaking up after his sad expression is removed from his face, "So, what is Duelo? Also, fire spells ‘rife’." His added correction to the error made me want to laugh, but I stifle it quicky as both Tom and Finn begin gushing about the sport,

"We compete using our brooms! It's the number one sport in the magic realm!" – Tom
"Wow! A first year playing Duelo, that's amazing!" – Finn

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