87 - Mash Burnedead and the Magical Maestro (4)

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The snaps were automatic after Margarette spoke, their figure turning into a fast paced blur as Mash attempts to keep up with his eyes. He remained calm despite the numerous misses he acquires, Macaron still dodging out of his reach rapidly as the teen finally speaks,

"It's useless! Just 30 seconds left!" The dashing and darting continues, Margarette beginning to count down as they leave afterimages in prior spaces they occupied. Kat was firmly watching the fast paced chase, her hands clenched tightly into fists as she waits eagerly for Mash to finish the fight, holding onto confidence for the boy.

"There's not much time left!" Dot shouts to the left of her as the timing reaches the ten second mark, Mash soon digging his hands into the stone flooring of the arena and lifting a panel of it up roughly, letting out a quick breath as he then manages to push it forward somewhat like a barrier, blocking the Orca Prefect from a frontal escape.

"He blocked off their main escape route!" The crowd shouted as they notice the scene, Mash darting in front of the prepared-to-snap Margarette Macaron, said teen smirking as they consider, 'So my two choices are right or left...' They maintain their smirk as they notice Mash go right, Margarette deciding based on the boys movements where to go,

'Right, huh...so he's guessed he can't rely on his reflexes to catch me, so he's gambling on me going right. How unfortunate.' As they move left, Mash suddenly makes a quick follow-up in the same direction, Margarette allowing their eyes to widen a fraction at the sudden realization, 'A feint?!'

Tom couldn't stop his eyes from shaking where he watched in the stands, his mind replaying the exact movement of Mash within his thoughts as he recognizes the move, 'That's a body feint...you maneuver your torso in one direction to draw your opponent's eye while shifting in the opposite direction. That's one of the most basic skills in all sports!' He was biting at his nails he finishes his thought, a part of him holding onto pride for the younger boy below.

'The fool! I've got just enough distance on him...he can't possible catch me.' Macaron remained silent as they scolded the boy within their mind, tensing as they feel a tug on the robes draped around their shoulders, eyes landing on the hand preventing them from moving. It was Mash's pinky holding them in place, surprising the teen as they shouted within their mind,

'He reached as far as he possibly could...and grabbed me with his pinky alone?! How...can this be?' Those last two questions remained in their mind as Mash tugged with all his might, his opponent tripping and releasing their wand, which managed to land directly into the first-year Adler's palm.

Mash didn't hesitate as he clenched his hand around the wooden object, automatically snapping it into two as the crowd of students watching begin muttering once more, "Woah... | No way..." Everyone was wide-eyed at the sight, Kat smiling brightly as the announcer shouts into the mic, her voice trembling with excitement,

"The sonic chase...has come to an end!! Macaron's defeated, and Mash is one step away from Visionary!" Her words prompt Kat to cheer loudly, excitedly bouncing on the balls of her feet and catching the boys attention, "Good job, Mash!!" His gaze landed on her followed with a smile, the boy nodding once to show he acknowledged her support before jolting slightly at the sound of Margarette speaking tiredly on the floor, still in their younger form,

"Haha, all that without magic. I'm smitten, I accept defeat." Mash remained silent at those words, keeping his gaze trained on the upperclassman until the space around him began to shake, the crowd beginning to panic as some of them shout, "What?!"

As if on cue, the sky begins to crack open, the display looking frightening as it prompts more shouting, "The heck?! A crack in the sky?!" Everyone was panicked, and panicking more as a dragon's front foot exits from the crack, three of them exiting the ominous spot in the sky as Kaldo frowns and Kat tense beside Lance, the blue haired boy muttering softly at first, "That's..."

His voice trails as three people appear on top of the dragons, the one leading the charge keeping their face and head covered while the one on the right of the crowd looked familiar to five Adler's and one young boy. "Greetings to all of you." The words came from the hooded figure on the first dragon, sickening smiles on the two faces on the left and right of the individual as Lance finishes in surprise, "Innocent Zero!"

Everything was tense and silent as they watched the sky, Mash preparing to move forward protectively while Kaldo and Orter mentally prepare themselves for a fight, Kat watching the black haired boy below cautiously as Headmaster Wahlberg offers a deep and unsettled frown. Before any movements could be made, however, Innocent Zero flicked his wand, the time on the clocktower stopping as everyone glows a faint red, halting everyone in place.

"I looked for you...Mash Burnedead." His voice was calm despite there being no response, more people being revealed to the frozen crowd as they step off their dragons and onto the arena, Innocent Zero approaching the mentioned boy slowly. He reaches a hand up to caress the boy's cheek, the hooded man commenting once more, "You are so beautiful."

He began smiling widely and sadistically as he kept speaking, his remaining trained on the boy while they flash a bright red under his hood, "I didn't think I'd find you alive. The despair I felt when I thought I lost you...my dear, sweet son." The last word was said without a hint of love, the man continuing to smile with a feigned sense of fondness as he stares at the frozen boy.

"Once I've absorbed you...I'll be complete, now let us go. The one you want is up there." He let his hand drop as he pointed in the direction of Kat, the person he spoke to grinning sharply as they growl in satisfaction, a pair of Erasers turning their heads and preparing to move towards the stand the girl resides in.

"Stop." The one word reached the ears of the enemies, Headmaster Wahlberg managing to keep himself safe from being frozen as he lands on the arena floor, the older man speaking up once more as he glares harshly at the trespassers,

"I will not simply hand them over...Innocent Zero."


This chapter is much shorter than others, I just didn't want the previous one to get too too long, but hopefully everyone is still enjoying this and hopefully I'm writing it in such a way that people can have fun reading it. If not though, I'm sorry that it's boring 😔

Anyways, I hope y'all are having a wonderful day / night wherever y'all are!

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