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(Enter Major L and Johns Hopkins)

Hopkins: Yo wassup my brother in Christ.

Major L: Eh nothing much. Did Romeo get my letter?

Hopkins: About that. I couldn't send it bc there's some kind of new plague. Unrelated: um, did you set off a zombie apocalypse uwu

Major L: No lmao. Why tf would I do that?

Hopkins: Bc Juliet's kinda a zombie instead of asleep.

Major L: Tf? Oh for fck's sake. Did I accidentally give her the wrong potion?

Hopkins: My brother. In Christ. Verona's literally filled with zombies now.

Major L: Um. I better tell Romeo.

Hopkins: Except we can't escape.

Major L: Oh fck. Right.

Romeo and Juliet but it's like zombie-fied I guessWhere stories live. Discover now