Chapter 7

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~ Kidnapped Love ~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~               ON THE MATTRESS,             GRABBERS BASEMENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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The sun was bright out. Everyone had either a popsicle in their hand or iced tea with extra ice. It was a blazing summer and probably one of the hottest ones yet. People were splashing, sunbathing, and ordering stuff at the snack bar. The public pool was packed with people including Gwen, Finney, and Robin.

Gwen picked out a spot for all three of them where Finney was sitting while Robin talked to some girls who stopped to say hi when they arrived. Finney was seated on the foldable chair and watching the group of girls closely. He felt jealous and angry that they were there.

    "Finney. Finney!" He heard Gwen calling his name.

    His head shot over to her. "What?"

    "I was going to ask you if you wanted anything to cool off with from the snack shake." Her eyes trailed over Robin and the group of girls around him. "But it seems you're only interested in staying heated up." She rolled her eyes.

    "Oh shut up." He got up and walked over to her. "I will just come with you."

    They started walking and looking around "Mollie said that Danny Bonaduce was here. But it's too crowded to find him." Gwen began a conversation.

    "You're still betting your money on that guy?" Finney laughed a bit while rolling his eyes.

    "He's a safe and dreamy choice. Plus his voice is to die for." Gwen continued to fan girl.

    "Yeah, but is he really the best choice?" We arrived at the snack shake and they stood in line.

"At least it's not Potsie," Gwen commented as Finney's eyes moved back over to Robin and the group of girls. Her voice zoned out.

The knot in his stomach appeared and his throat felt like something was stuck in it. He shouldn't feel like this toward Robin. It's unnatural and not a good thing. But he can't help it. It was pointless anyways though. Even if he accepted it or not. Robin wouldn't. That's all that mattered.

    "Finney!" He heard someone yell. His head looked at Gwen."Were you even listening? It's our turn."

    He looked in front of them and no one was there." Oh right, sorry."

They moved up and ordered a few things before paying and walking back to their spot. Robin saw them come back with the treats and he said goodbye to the girls. A smile was plastered on his face. Finney wished he could make him smile like that.

    "What do we have?" Robin asked looking at the snacks.

    "Three soda pops, two popsicles, and a jawbreaker," Gwen answered with a list of goodies. "Pick your flavor of soda."

Kidnapped Love ~ A Rinney Story (The Black Phone)  Where stories live. Discover now