Chapter 11

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~ Kidnapped Love ~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back in the basement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Back in the basement

I woke up but part of me didn't want to. My mind hasn't registered what happened but my body ached. What hurt was my face. I lifted my hand to my nose and there was blood.

    "Son of a bitch." I wanted to say more but I was too tired.

Before I could do or think of anything, the phone rang again. I didn't want to33 answer it. I wanted to smash the phone. They have done nothing but cause me pain and hurt. Why should I hear them out?

    I looked over at it. "No. Fuck you." It kept ringing. The rings felt taunting and persistent. "Goddamn it." I got up and walked over to the phone. I picked it up and sat down. "What?" Silence. "You gonna say something? Do you even know who you are?"

    This must have ticked the boy off. "What the shit kind of question is that? Do you even know who you are?"

    "Im Finney Blake," I replied.

    "Yeah, well, nice to fucking meet you, Finney Blake." He was angry. "Right here! This is it."

    "This is what?" I was confused.

    "The horrifying nightmare end of your pathetic little life."

    Those words should have scared me but I was focused on something else. "Holy shit. You're Vance Hopper. I remember you. You used to scare me."

    "Trust me, Finney Blake, if you knew what you had coming, you'd be fucking terrified. Today's the day, motherfucker."

I felt dizzy and everything went black. When I woke up, I was standing in the isle of the Grab-n-Go by my house. This is where everyone went for snacks, to meet up, or to just hang out. I looked around at what they had and all the food looked so good. I couldn't understand why I was so hungry suddenly.

     Someone started yelling and it caught people's attention. "Motherfucker! You fucked my game up!" I looked over and someone was holding a boy up by his shirt. Pinball Vance.

     He threw him into a stand and his friend pulled out a pocket knife. That didn't seem to scare Vance though. "Hey!" The boy yelled.

     "Come here, Bitch." Vance demanded.

The boy charged at Vance and he grabbed his arm with the knife and punched him dead in the face. The first boy came back and held onto Vance's back while his friend got up again. Before any hits could be taken on Vance, He kicked the second boy to the ground and back head butt the first boy.

It was crazy watching this unfold all in front of me. Vance has always been the toughest dude around and I don't think anyone can beat him. The fact that these guys are trying just shows that they don't want to see weak.

Kidnapped Love ~ A Rinney Story (The Black Phone)  Where stories live. Discover now