After Party Impromptu Rendezvous

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A/N: IM BACK ON ! After so long I'm posting again! Here's a lil adopted fic I found abandoned in the mines of ao3. Sad but it had so much potential to the plot! Please read the first half of the story before proceeding with this chapter! /works/28377009 You'll get the complete story that way!

Chapter spoilers: You seal the deal between you and Narcissa, but you still think everything happening is fucked up big time.

Chapter 1 (Addendum)

Hermione has been shooting me weird glances ever since I entered my room. Still reeling from the kiss me and Narcissa shared earlier, I could feel her eyes just boring holes in my face.

"Something is bothering you," Hermione says, keeping her eyes glued to the television in my room. "And do not act like it is nothing. You can lie all you want Peterson but you cannot lie to me."

I stood up huffing. "It's all just so confusing!"

"Woah, slow down and tell me what's confusing." She says holding my hand and running her thumb over my fingers.

The tears in my eyes are threatening to fall, looking and up and sighing. "Everything. It's just so fucked up. We're leaving tomorrow and all my parents could think about is my arranged marriage to Draco."

Hermione just kept listening, tucking my hair behind my ear, holding my hand, and making her presence known.

Seconds turned into minutes of silence with us just sitting together, the movie just blaring on the tv screen. Eventually, the knock on my door came and it was my mother, saying that I need to come back down to wish the Malfoys goodnight. I was dreading seeing Narcissa again.

Narcissa's POV

I kissed her. That was the thought that was running through my head after she stormed out. I was too stunned to run after her, or afraid? Either or both, it didn't make such a difference when I kissed the bride-to-be of my son. She tasted of whiskey and muggle cigarettes, so foreign but yet so familiar.

Looking around at the brightly lit room, I decided it was time to get back to my family.

Lucius was in deep conversation with the Peterson patriarch, as my son is just huddled by the fireplace, looking so out of place in such an elegant home so closely like ours.

She came bounding by with her mother, to wish us goodnight and a thank you for the party. She sounded so sincere, I just looked at her with awe. I would never admit that it stung quite a bit when she looked at everyone except me.

I wouldn't blame the young Peterson, I had sprung that kiss on her. Perhaps we would have another chance at speaking before she leaves for Hogwarts.

So off we went to the room that was offered to us. Lucius had said that he needed to go back to Malfoy Manor, but we are welcome to stay over if we wanted to. Draco said he was staying, a sort of apology to her for hurting her back then. So I opted to stay too, masking the compulsion to stay close to this young lady as wanting to be near my boy.

The room that the Petersons have given me for the night has been more than ample to house five guests, but instead, it is just me in bed. I couldn't shake the thought of that kiss we shared earlier. Deciding on my better judgment, I slipped into my coat to ease my mind by looking at the scenery.

Oc's POV

Hermione was fast asleep on the bed. I know I should be sleeping too but I can't. Deciding that it was too late to wake her, I would just wander around and let my feet carry me somewhere else.

Why do you make it hard for me to hate you? (Addendum)Where stories live. Discover now