Merry Crisis

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Coming back from the library from studying with Hermione was always a pain in my ass. She's always so bossy and makes me work harder than I usually do. I try to fight off the headache I'm currently having I keep my books close to my chest, almost eight weeks we've been back to Hogwarts and I haven't heard anything from Narcissa. No owls, and no word from Draco aside from the casual banter we share. Sometime last week we just started bantering like crazy, I guess it's from all the rumors that I'm going to marry him.

It's always some sort of back and forth with me and Draco. He's not such a bad guy once you get to know him, he's more like his mother than his father. Luckily I am a year older than him so we don't have classes together. But most of the people in my year just have these looks whenever we meet in the great hall or cross paths in the corridors. I don't even know where they got that Draco and I are in the works of arranging our nuptials.

Now frustrated, I try to rub my head free of this pain. Curse whoever invented OWLs and ancient runes and whatever subjects I'm currently taking right now.

The quad was very quiet for this time, the leaves of the trees on the grounds are already nearing their descent to the ground. I sigh, just looking up at the October sky. Halloween is coming up soon, I haven't written letters to my parents in my time here. I sat on the stone archways in the quad just letting my mind wander. My hand instinctively ran over the pendant of the necklace Narcissa had given me.

That was the gift she had handed me before the train left for Hogwarts. The first time I saw it I was in awe of the intricate details on the pendant. It was a pendant in the shape of the first letter of my name. A single gemstone shining citrine near where the pendant connects to the chain. It had become a sort of good luck charm for me. When I have exams, I would think of Narcissa's voice talking me through my subjects, or whenever Hermione was berating me about studying. It always helped when it was her voice in my head instead of whoever was in front of me at that time.

I felt the lines and ridges of the pendant, the cool metal against my palm just warming up to my touch. The chatter around me just tuned out. I didn't even notice the other classes had already ended and that Draco was coming up to me.

I turned when he tapped on my shoulder, his bag on his left and a few of his friends behind me. I try to take in what he was saying but I was transfixed on just looking at him. He looks so much like his father, the blonde mop he calls hair, his piercing blue eyes, and that arrogant smirk. No wonder Mione smacked him across the face some years ago.

I come back to Earth when he calls my name again asking if I was alright.

I tried to play it cool like I was not gawking at him, "Yeah, what do you want Draco?"

Some of his friends snicker. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Spit it out then!" I say, crossing my arms on my chest.

"In private?" He added.

I groan, "Fine, but not at the moment. We can talk after my quizzes. I still have to practice for Quidditch next week. So if you would excuse me."

He nods, "Nice necklace." He motions to the jewelry around my neck, proudly sticking out my uniform now. "My mother has one exactly like it, except hers is in an N-shape."

I didn't answer when he left, too stunned at thinking about Narcissa has the same necklace as mine. I finger the pendant again.

"So deep in thought but your head is always empty when it's time to study." A mop of curly brown hair appears in front of me. "Years in Hogwarts and still struggling with ancient runes and potions!" Hermione huffs.

I roll my eyes at her, burying the thought of Narcissa wearing a matching necklace with me in the back of my mind.

"Honestly, you tutor so well Mione. Why don't you tutor me sometime?" I say in a patronizing tone.

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