Send me on my way to Hogwarts

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A/N: Hello again ! it has been so long since I posted a story here. I missed this community! Anyways, here's chapter 2 with 6k words! So I can vanish for another week before I have to write again.

Chapter insights: You and Narcissa get intimate again, and then you need to leave for Hogwarts.


To say that I am hot and bothered was the biggest understatement in my life right now. It feels like my body is on fire, craving for some much-needed stimulation. But still, in the back of my mind, there was that nagging voice that was telling me this was a bad idea. Crushing on a Malfoy was a bad idea.

"She's only a Malfoy by marriage," I try to convince myself. "But, she probably wants me to marry her son." I think again. I groan in frustration, this is all so very confusing! My feelings, her feelings, my parents' feelings, Draco's feelings!

I try to regain my composure before we went inside the manor again. Narcisa was leading me to her room, but I had other ideas. I'm not about to have this talk or have sex with her in her room with it being in proximity to the room where her son is sleeping.

"Can we actually go to the library? I have a reading nook up there and it would much be more appropriate. Plus I wouldn't want to wake Draco." I say adjusting my stance, my arousal has been so difficult to manage, I curse myself in my head.

Narcissa obliges my request to move locations, I know every quiet space in this household so we wasted no time in getting to our destination.

Once we reached the entrance to the library, I made sure that 'Mione was not around. That girl has the habit of waking up in the middle of the night just to read, it was so jarring at first, I thought she was sleepwalking. Turns out her thirst for knowledge knows no time.

I let Narcissa in my reading nook, only I and Hermione know of this place, as I had Ducky build the room from freshmen year.

Narcissa stood there admiring the room, now with her coat back on; she looks like someone from the movies. I stopped myself from gawking at her and proceeded to the row of books that was in front of me. Rummaging through the books, I try to remember which was the false one that had my stash.

"Found it!" I say as I pull out the box that looks exactly like a book. Narcissa studies me quizzically, raising a perfect brow at me.

"Stash, found! I say triumphantly opening the box and taking out a hip flask engraved with my family crest and a pack of muggle cigarettes and a lighter.

I opened the window as I lit one, looking at Narcissa motioning if she wanted one. She shook her head no. "Smoking is bad for your health dear."

"Well, I said before. I know I shouldn't but I am." I say as I take a puff, blowing smoke out the window. "It's not like my parents don't know. They pretend to not know but they do." I say to her taking another drag.

Narcissa sat at the edge of the day bed near the window, her negligee riding up on her thigh. I try not to stare but she makes that hard for me.

"I'm sorry." I start, avoiding any eye contact from her at all.

She looked stunned at the words that had left my mouth. Her brow knits together in confusion. "What are you sorry for my dear?"

"I don't know. I just am." I say blowing the smoke from the cigarette out. "I guess it's for kissing you when I got angry."

She chuckles, I don't know what's funny about what I said but she chuckles. "Darling, you have nothing to be sorry about. Especially for kissing me. The part where you were angry was a tad bit adorable. But nonetheless, it is forgiven. I never would've expected any other reactions to your buttons being pushed."

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