Dancing with somebody

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It had been days since I arrived here in Malfoy Manor, and Narcissa and I had been spending more and more time together, from going on a trip to London to having afternoon tea with Draco, and just hanging out in her greenhouse. Draco had been more accustomed to me in their home, greeting me every morning before we come down to breakfast to just listen to his father rave on about the upcoming party that is going to happen today.

The dress that Narcissa and I had made for me was delivered by owl post last night, I haven't tried it on since it arrived late last night and I was pretty tired from helping out prepare for the party. Even now after breakfast, Narcissa and I are still getting everything ready. Draco tried to help but his mother dismissed him to his room.

"Well, everything should be ready for later!" Narcissa said, placing her wand back in her pocket after adjusting one of the vases in the foyer.

"Do you need help with anything else?" I asked her. The manor looked immaculate, with small ornaments floating in the air, a harp playing Christmas songs on its own, and a fairy light hanging around with live mistletoes hanging.

"Thank you for your help darling, but I think we're all set for later. Why don't you go and freshen up, I'll help do your hair later." She says, shooing me in the direction of my wing.

I was about to walk away when I feel a bit of snow fall onto my face. I looked up and sure enough, there was a brand new mistletoe floating in the air.

Narcissa looked back at me and raised a brow. "I thought I told you to go freshen up darling?"

I just pointed at the plant hovering over her head.

She laughs, pulling me closer and tilting my chin upward. "Well, we don't want to ruin any tradition." She says as she looked deeply into my eyes.

I feel the burn of my cheeks as Narcissa leans in, my eyes closing on their own as I leaned in as well, bracing myself for the kiss.

I felt her lips on mine just very briefly. But when my eyes fluttered back open she was looking at me with her dark brown orbs with so much joy.

"Now, get going, darling!" She says.

I nod, as I turn around and make my way to my side of the manor, touching my lips.

Narcissa's POV

I watched her run up the hall and I'm glad that she has her back turned to me. The smile on my lips is so wide that I'm afraid that it might split my face.

Looking back at the work that we put into arranging everything for the party, I was startled at who was in the foyer standing with her arms folded and smirking.

"Well, well, look at my sister and her little plaything!" She exclaims as she saunters towards me. "Really 'Cissy?"

I turn away from Bellatrix, "Why do you always have to ruin my mood Bella?" trying to pretend to adjust the vase next to me.

"I'm merely asking 'Cissy." She smirks. "Does Lucius know about your little pet?"

My face got hot with her words. "She's not my pet!"

"Feisty!" She cackles. "Then I'm going to assume that Lucius doesn't know."

I scoff at her still ignoring my sister's incessant questions.

"She is cute." Bellatrix trails off, wand on her chin eyes far off in the distance. "Okay. I'll help you 'Cissy!" She jumps on me.

I look at her tentatively, "And by help you mean?"

Why do you make it hard for me to hate you? (Addendum)Where stories live. Discover now