What are you willing to do? (Kiss it, kiss it better)

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SURPRISE!! 2 chapters in one day!

Chapter Insights: Pride, Hurt, and Tragedy strikes at the Quidditch show-match.

"So I argue, you yell, had to take me back. Who cares when it feels like crack? Baby you know that you always do it right. Man, fuck your pride, just take it on back."


The Hufflepuff Quidditch team is as ready as they can be, we practiced for a whole day. But today is the day we square off with Gryffindor, the team had breakfast together; and talked about strategy and positioning. Professor Sprout reminded us that this was a show match, but the air of competition was too thick, and all of us wanted to win.

I looked over at the Gryffindor side at the Great Hall. Harry is already dressed in his Quidditch uniform and is huddled with Ron and Hemione.

Hermione caught my eye and gave me an energetic wave, even mouthing me a 'good luck today' as encouragement.

I nodded and mouthed a quick thanks. We were slated for the last match, Ravenclaw and Slytherin would be facing off first, I could already feel my hand shake uncontrollably and one of my teammates noticed how I was already sweating.

I laughed it off, taking a deep breath and reminding myself that this was not the house cup, this was a show match. But this is a match I want to win.

We all gathered in front of the pitched tent, the score was two hundred fifty to two hundred and thirty in favor of Slytherin. I prayed to whoever that Ravenclaw would catch up and win because I didn't want to face Slytherin in a winners match.

But alas, the announcement of Draco catching the snitch rung out of the speakers, as the final whistle sounded throughout the pitch ending the game in a devastating loss for Ravenclaw being so close and all.

Diggory gathered us together and gave us a pep talk, told us not to worry about the snitch, and that the only thing we had to do is keep scoring. He pulled me to the side to have a private chat.

"Peterson, you know the drill. Wood is a great defender but you are a great scorer. Don't worry about Potter, I can take him on. As long as you keep scoring we'll win." He says, patting my shoulder.

Cedric was a good leader and seeker, I almost lost all my worries. But the jitters of performing is still there.

We were getting ready to shoot off of the tent once the other team houses were off the pitch, Ravenclaw hung their heads, but we all gave them a pat on the back for doing a job well done in scoring such a close gap with Slytherin.

I already mounted my broom ready to take off when the Slytherin team came bursting in all cheers, they hoisted up Draco on their shoulders and shouted his name. We met eyes and his mood quickly changed.

He was put down on the ground, approaching me and putting out his hand. "Hope you'll win, Peterson. I didn't get to play you in the house cup, but here I will."

Diggory interrupted before I could say anything, I couldn't tell if he was just being his annoying self or if he was genuine with the hopes of playing Hufflepuff, or if it was just plain old trash talk. Either way, I couldn't wait to play him too, just to see the look on his face when we win.

Narcissa's POV

The stands were packed with students, faculty, parents, and esteemed guests from the governors. It brought me back to the time when I was in Hogwarts; the feeling of watching an exhilarating match between houses. I was never a quidditch player myself but during my time at Hogwarts, the matches were as exhilarating as ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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