What's left?

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Narcissa's POV

I woke with the little darling's stirring; she was still fast asleep but her tossing and turning had woken me. I glance over to her, her hair clung to her face, chest rising and falling at a steady phase. I got out of the sheets and gathered my clothes and quietly got dressed.

I looked back at my little darling once more, she frowned in her sleep, her hand searching for my warm body that was next to her a moment ago, I wanted to go back to bed with her and just bask in her presence, but I had to get up and check on my son and my husband.

I had missed the end of the party that's for certain and knowing my husband he did not appreciate when I wasn't there with him to keep this sort of united happy family facade with our friends, especially right now that Draco is being poised to join their ranks. I avoided joining being a death eater and I hope my son does not follow suit in his father's footsteps.

I sigh, walking to the bedroom door.

"Narcissa." I hear the little darling call to me. I look over to the bed, she's sat up rubbing her eyes to rid of her sleep.

"Darling." I breathe, returning to her side, "Go back to sleep. I'm just going to check on everything. I'll be with you later, alright?" I say to her, guiding her head back to her pillow and tucking her in the covers.

She tried to reach for me but I just held her hand until she had fallen back asleep.

I hurriedly exited her room to not wake her again, because if she did and asked me to stay I would.

Everything seems in place, the garden, the foyer, and the living room are all cleared of litter, the furniture back where they all belong; nothing seemed to be amiss. I sigh to myself in relief. I next checked my son's bedroom, it was locked, and I couldn't enter, I take out my wand to unlock the door, peering in to see the silhouette of my slumbering son on his bed. I closed his door and locked it again.

I was about to reach my wing of the house when I noticed a tuft of hair peeking from the shadows, I followed it into the room fully recognizing the path that was to the room where my sister was supposedly staying. I entered her room to find her next to the door, she pulled me inside quickly, looking outside if there was anyone behind me, she closed the door locking it as well, and cast a hushing spell, not unusual for her but something tells me that there is something more to her actions.

"Bella, why are you still up?" I asked her, folding my arms to my chest. "Is everything alright?"

"My baby sister!" She exclaimed, skipping around the room. "I told you I would help you!" She grins at me taking my hand in hers and leading me to the couch. "Tell me everything!"

"I-I do not know what you are talking about!" I say trying to mask the feelings I have right now.

Bellatrix scoffs, "Oh, 'Cissy, you know damn well that I told you I'm going to help right?" She grins again. "So, tell your big sister before I make you tell me." She says toying with her wand.

I sigh, recounting how I had seen the little darling being touched by someone else besides me, how angry and jealous I felt at the moment, and what happened afterward, I spared the intimate details hoping that my sister wouldn't pry any more than that. When I was done with the story I was silent, and Bella had this shit-eating grin plastered on her face.

"Well, you're welcome 'Cissy." She says, curtly bowing her head. I looked at he, confused about what she had meant. "Well obviously you needed just the right amount of push, the Underwood boy was just the catalyst for that. I didn't have to put such a heavy curse on him, and when Draco found you-"

"You. what? Draco, what?" I asked her my temper rising.

Bella just held my hand tighter. "I explained everything to Draco, but he stormed off so fast that I figured you would talk to him eventually."

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