Chapter 2

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Today first class was the same and we all talked about things like, relationships and stuff like that. Also about what to drink under age and I said now don't do it because you'll always end up getting caught. I did I even made a fake ID and I got charged with identity theft. " Now I'm telling you guys thinks like that aren't worth it".

Ta'kae raised her hand, by the way she's a handful. " Yes?"

" What about is it about girls always talking reckless behind ya back? But when you confront them they be all shy"

" Well ta'kae. They just feel the need that they probably need to talk about you because they want to be your friend. Or that they friend doesn't like you so they don't like you, also the proper way to handle it just ask them to stop talking behind your back and he they continue you just walk way and label them as ignorant because fighting isn't always the answer when you could've just walked away from the situation instead putting your hands on her."

I herd chatter around the room and the bell was about to ring so I needed to get the last questions in. " Ok the bell is about to ring so any last questions before we leave? Also tomorrow we are doing a activity on how to handle situations so it will be like a role play. Also depending on how well you do will be on how high your grade is."

Everyone left and I got that personal goodbye from Jacob again. He's a smart kid, just to bubbly for me at least. I had about 5 minutes until the next class came I pulled out my phone and had a text message from the person I talk to. We talk pretty heavy so I'm ok with talking to him during work.

'Hey baby you still at work?or it's a full day.'

' Yeh I'm still at work but I'll visit you when I come home. Schools out at 3'

' Ok come see me at 4:30? Love you, bye'

' Ard love you too.'

I smiled because I love when he texts me unexpected. I think it's cute.
Then the kids started to roll in as they took they seats I just stared and hoped this class would be good today, they are a little talkative.

Towards the end of the day I went to that same food kart and Jacob was there again. This time he didn't need any change but we did share a glance and I got my food and we began to talk.

" A taco this huh? Mr.august I didn't know you were into food like that."

" Neither did I but when you don't see anything else on the menu you nothing left to choose but a taco."

" I know but I tired some other things are pretty good. Anyway what are your plans for today. It's weird because I always love asking people that so I can say what Im doing what that evening."

" Well, I'm taking my boyfriend well he's not my boyfriend, yet. At least to dinner."

" Mr.august I didn't know you were gay. Wow hehe."

I laughed and frowned a bit because he just laughed a little wired. " Yeah people say I don't look like the gay type well I am I just look a little manly."

" Well I am too. The entire school knows by they don't make fun of me. I'm to special for that."

" You are special, alright."

We laughed and finished like I had told him before I had a dinner date and I needed to be home in 10 minutes.

" Well Jacob I gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow in class."

I smiled put my trash away and went to my car. When I got home I got a shower and freshened up. I was done and then I drove off to Elijah's house.
There was a flower shop around the corner so I stopped there and fog him some roses. When I got to his house I knocked on the door and he answered
" Hey baby." I leaned in to kiss him, I then slipped the roses into his hand.

" You got me these? Wow they are pretty." I walked in and we went up to his bedroom. He took my jacket off wanting to undress me. " Wait before that, we're going out to dinner so change into something so we can get some thing to eat."

I sat on his bed as he got a shower. I wanted to snoop Around but I trust him. Although something pink was sticking out of one of his drawers. I looked inside and fount something I did not wanna see. Maybe I need to start giving him some more dick.

Dam. I guess he was done because I her the faucet go off " Close your eyes!"

I turned the other way as I guess he was getting dressed " You act like I ain't see it already " " Well you'll see it again tonight."

He was done and we went off to my car and drove to this Italian restaurant he loves Italian food for some reason.
" Ooo santo I love it here!"

[ I'm not gonna really get into the dinner it has nothing to do with this chapter.]

When we got back home to his house we were already tipsy. Enough for him to get fucked. I took his shirt off and kisses down his bare chest. I felt his hand travel down to my dick squeezing it making me hard. " Oo j I'm going to fuck the shit out of you."

One thing led to another next thing you know he's sinking his nails into my back. I grabbed his waist as I pounded right into his little pretty ass. Soon I was coming and so was he. I got my last few strokes in and pulled out. " Like I said I was gonna see your fucking body anyway."

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