Chapter 7

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  I was up reading a book and listening to IHeartRadio. Since I had nothing better to do and plus I needed to stop thinking..... Shit I thought about it again. Well anyway I was only waiting for jacob to wake up so I can take him back home soon. I bet his mom thinks he's was at his friends house too long. I continued reading my book, then he cough my attention by popping up in my room. " Hey.. I uh woke up and I was looking for you and I figured since this room door was opened I peeked in and saw so so do you mind if I come in?"

"No, it's ok." He stepped in and sat on ny bed  unsure, unsure about something and I wanted to know what. " Hey um, I wanted to say sorry for being so harsh on you and jacob even if we weren't teacher and student I'm still 24 and you're  17  that's seven years apart from each other. Do you understand?" I tried not so sound so mean. " Yes...I do" 

" so it wouldn't really be able to work out-"

" But that's saying me and you would never out, Mr.August we have a bond and we clicked so well and then you opened up to me about being gay I opened up to you about being gay and being bullied and my mom on the hospital bed, we've had so much fun together and now all of a sudden you feel the need to put the age thing into course!" I sighed because a lot of that was actually true. " Jacob-"

" And you invite me to your home! You held me when I cried! You know I have so little friends and you were someone who I actually enjoyed being friend's with. You weren't someone who just took me for granted! Or who used me! You actually wanted to be my friend!"

I felt kind of  bad for making him cry and just break down like that. " Look I was just in a different state of mind ok? Maybe we..." I think it's better if I stop talking I grabbed his hands and pulled him in for a hug, " Promise you won't hurt me like that again?" He said wrapping his arms around my neck.

" I uh- I promise "
Whoops chres you made a promise you better keep it.

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