Chapter 3

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The next day we did our activity.
The purpose of it was how to handle situations. " So basically what you do in this game is you either pick to be the ignorant one or the one who handles the situation correctly. Now the person who starts the argument will have to make it convincing, ok I really want you to pick a argument."

They lined up and I picked certain topic for the kids go do. This topic 'gossiping'
So what they had to basically do is talk about that person to the team mates and then, the person they are talking about has to learn how to solve the situation. The first group was, as always Jacob and Ta'kae, Ta'kae was the gossiper and Jacob was the defender or the person who has to learn how to solve it.

Then the action began, he kindly walked up to Ta'kae. "Ta'kae? Are you talking about me?"

" Yeah and what are you gonna do about it????"

" I was just asking.. I really don't care I don't need to to succeed in life, so keep talking, ain't hurtin' nobody but yourself" everybody clapped and so did I. " That's the correct way to handle it."


Weeks went by and I've seen less fights and more improvement on my scholars the principle thanked me and its no problem, fights and lead to jail and jail can lead to a sad life.

" MrAugust! MrAugust!"

I turned around to hear my name being screamed down the hall. It was Jacob and he looked in a hurry. " Yes? What's wrong?"

" Can you-you drive me home please I need to get home quick my mom t-told me to get home right away and the bus would take to -l-long!"

" Yeah come on!" He hurried to my car and he guided me to his house, I wished him he best as he ran into the house. I drove back to my house, and when I got home I was just tired. So I got undressed and went on my phone then I got a stays update from Jacob on Facebook, yeah we're friends outside out school but it's nothing serious.

His status said 'Please keep all prayers in mind. Moms in the hospital.'

I liked his post and inboxed him. I asked what happened and it turns out his mom almost had a heart attack.
Luckily he got her to the hospital.
Well I had to get ready for the next day.

I got in the shower and washed up for a good period of time. I have no idea but I was feeling a little sick. So I got out the shower and got dressed and laid in bed. Then J had called me, what does he want. ^hey babe. How about I make it up to you over dinner tomkrrow ?^ Fuck he talm bout?

^no I have a job and a life.^

I was kind of angry at him. I just watched Netflix on the TV until I fell asleep.

The next day in class everyone talked about the activity we had did a couple week ago. Today's day was boring but at the end of classes I was walking to the food truck until I herd my name being called. It was jacob, " Hey jacob"

He smiled but then his smile faded a little bit. " C-can you drive me to the hospital I need to see my mom..."

" Yeah sure c'mon." I drove him to the hospitla, he gave me a hug and said goodbye. I smiled as I watched him walk into the hospital, why I'm smiling so hard I don't know. I put the car in drive and drove to a Chipotle .

When just got in there I smelled the aroma of Mexican food. Oh I love this place, I ordered tacos and chips and a drink. I sat down and I felt arms around my neck. I flinched and turned around to see Ej. " So choose Chipotle over dinner with me?" I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my doctor pepper. " If I did it's not like you were gonna pay for it... no job having ass."

" Chres, c'mon let's finish up our food and go back to your place so I can show you something."

" Ej what can you possibly show me at my house? I don't even think we should be together......."

I rolled my eyes and sat back and let him babble on about shit. " OK I don't have a job, but I have you! Not saying that in 'i want your money tern' but it hurts it hurts when you think I only want you cause you have a job, I'm just lonely ok? And your the person I need and I want!"

I laughed put my things in the trash and walked out, before I even left the door " Well I don't need you, bye." I think he got the memo, I just broke up a couple of second ago and I'm single ready to mingle! I beaded back home and had the time of my life! Walking around half nacked, I can see a sexy and actually flirt and just be free and go to parties and I won't just have to sit down and be lonely! Life's good right now.

Butttt, I did still have a job so I need to go to sleep.

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