Chapter 9

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The next day at school before every class Jacob would come and see me, I was giving in to him and not thinking it was as wrong as it thought it was. We had five minutes before class started, he hopped on my desk slid around to sit on my lap. "You know we can't do this at school." I tried to tell him but he doesn't listen, "You we're funny on the phone last night. I really love talking to you, I think you sound cute when your tired." I blushed a little we shared a kiss before the other class came in, then I felt kisses down my neck, "Remember we are in school","Right sorry. Love you", "Love you too."

When he left I smiled because it's crazy how a student I just met can be the love of my life. It's crazy how we just started dating and I feel even closer than before. I think I might take him somewhere special, out to dinner. Friday I'll take him out to the mall and then surprise him with a dinner. Yeah, that's sounds nice, I chewed on my pen and sat back in my chair. Watching the next class roll in.

By the end of the day I was pooped, shitted, tired, angry. When I got to my car Jacob was sitting on a bench waiting for me. " hey what's wrong?"

" nothing, just them kids got on my nerves" we got in the car and I just sat there for about a minute or two and realized I can just use my bed right now. " well is that all?"

" yes.. ... I'm also sleepy."

" awh, want me to comfort you?" I smiled and I got a bunch of kisses on my cheek. " yes, that was comforting"

I drive him to his house and I told him I'll Call him later but this time we didn't kiss. Unfortunately, I drove back home and as soon as I got home I sat my as right on that couch, I wasn't going no where. But I did need to get up and go shower. I threw my bag down and barley walked up the stairs to go to the bathroom. I took a nice hot shower with my sleep aroma when I got in bed I turned the tv on watched tv for a bit and went to sleep. The next day

Lmao I think more of filler bc I'm working on new chapter now. ALSO GO READ MY NEW BOOK 'THE PERFECT MAN' GO IN MY WORKS AND FIND IT

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