Chapter 4

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The next day in class it was usual but, something wasn't right. Jacob was late he didn't look as if he didn't want to be here. He loves school. Well I needed to begin class.

<end of class>

Everyone was leaving and it was only a couple of minutes until everyone came in. I was going to call him to my desk but he has already in front of me. "Hey jacob . Everything ok?"

" No Mr.August, my mom she's not getting better at all! And I don't have the fucking money to save her!"

Hepunched the desk and all I could do was close the door walk over to him and hug him, embrace him in my arms just so he knows I'm here. "Jacob" I said trying to calm him down " Y-yes" only the smallest of a whimper came out. " I- I'll help you pay for her recovery." I rubbed his back. "T-thank you." He hugged my tighter and all of a sudden I just felt blessed. Blessed because I'm helping someone else.

The the bell rang and we broke apart I grabbed some tissue off my desk and wiped his eyes and smiled hoping to send some joy. " Thanks," one last hug and then he left. I sat in my chair feeling good about my self. Then Mt next class came in. They were chatty and I don't know why.

By the end of the day I was hungry and tired I went to the same food truck and got a fruit salad and went back to my car. When I got in I herd tapping on ny window. I rolled it down to see jacob. " Hey, um I was wondering can you take me to the hospital. I wanted to see my mom."
I smiled but he sounded sick, I let him and when I say 'sick' he wasn't flu sick like he's been crying all day.

" Hey Mr. August I really appreciate you doing this for me, my family and my mom I just really can't say how greatful I am. " Jacob. It's fine, I will do anything to help any of my scholars, not all of them haha but don't tell them that." We both laughed and I drove him to the hospital.

" Thanks again." I unlocked the doors and let him out- " Wait! Jacob do you think I can come in and meet her?"

He smiled and nodded I parked my car and he walked me in. We went to her room and if you asking me she look perfect. "Hey jacob, who's your friend?" I smiled and shook her hand.

" H-hi I'm Chresanto August his teacher." She smiled and nodded.

" Um ma. We have some news, Mr.August is willing to pay for you treatment plan."

I enjoyed seeing her face light up she was crying and it just made me happy to see her excited that she's going to get better. She gestured for me to five her a hug, I gave her hug and she rocked me back and forth. "Thank you so much." I smiled and told her it's all my intention. I looked over at jacob and he seemed happy.

" Well um its so nice meeting you miss but I must go and get ready for tomorrow, jacob would you like a ride home?"

He nodded and I let then talk for a but before I go. I just have a weird feeling in my stomach. By the time I was done thinking he was ready and I walked him out to my car. On the ride home he couldn't stop talking about the gossip at school, I think I need to make my self a little less appealing.

" Wow, no more grade discussions for di'arrea." We laughed and when we were at his house he gave a tight hug and said thanks and bye. I waved and drove back home, I just threw my clothes to the dirty clothes basket and plopped on my bed. Feels good to be half naked and on the bed. I'll shower in the morning. So basically today was good for me. And I enjoyed it. I was tired so I for under the covers I was sound alseep.

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