chapter 5

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At the end of the day I waited for jacob because I did promise I would pay for his mother's treatment plan so I did need to talk to him but I haven't seen him. Then when I was about to pull off I see him, I rolled down the window and called his name. " Jacob ! Jacob!" He turned around me and shot me a glare.

" What?" I made a face and asked why he was mad " Because! Ever since yesterday when you hugged me trying to calm me did it make any sense to you that there were kids watching? Now I'm being called a slut around school because of you!"

" Jacob I didn't.. i-" I was hurt at the most, and fustrated as to why the kids would call him a slut?" I started to pour and I didn't want him walking in the rain alone, I don't know should I drive him home? He just stood there looking at me, you wouldn't be a key to tell he was crying because of the rain. " Get in.... I'll drive you home."

He shook his head walked off I drove right in front of him and told him to the get in one more time. " fine.." He mumbled, he got in and folded his arms I grabbed my jacket from the back seat and wrapped it around his shoulders, he held it and I gave a faint smile, " Thanks.." " No problem."

I began to drive and asked if he wanted to stop and get something to drink he looked cold so I went into Starbucks and got him a coffee, when I got back in the car he had his head against the window, he looked sleepy " Here, I got you a coffee extra sugar." " Thanks Mr.August. And do we have to pull off yet? I'd rather sit here for awhile, if thats ok with you"

I nodded and laid back in my chair well, I don't know, but I'm grown and I can't deny things, definitely not things that I feel... I mean for fucking sake I drive the boy home, I'm paying for his mother fucking treatment, I buy him coffee, the classic I give him my jacket, he's crying I hold him.. shit do I like him? " Is Everything Ok?" He asked, I nodded and bit my lip. " Maybe tomorrow we can go see your mother since it's no school, and yoy do really care about what they say?"

" Mr.August it's hard ok .. I get called a slut because you just tried to help me. But Mr.August I thank you for being there for me. I really appreciate it. Believe it or not, your my closet friend here. Even though your my teacher. It's still cool right? Hey since I'm calm you wanna hear the gossip around the school?!"

I laughed and said sure. We put out chairs back I listened to him talk, I laughed and felt weird hearing some of the things that the girls say about me. We stayed talking for hours, then I got sleepy I turned my engine off and we both ended up falling alseep until the cracks of dawn hit.

" Shit!" I looked at the clock and it was 3:00 in the morning. " Jacob.... Jacob.......Jacob" He turned around rubbing his eyes, I had the worse body ache. "Mr.August?"

" I gotta get you home." At that moment I realized I slept in ny car with a student. I drove him home and we said our good byes, I told him I would be at his house at like 6 to go see his mother. When I got home I took a nice hot shower with lavender sleep aroma bodywash and I when I got out the shower I laid on my bed and I was already sleepy, wow that stuff really works.

When I woke up it was 5, I hurried and got my clothes on and brushed ny teeth. Then getting my car keys and getting in the car I looked in the mirror and drive to his house. When I knocked on the door it took him a while to answer. Then he finally came to the door. " Hey" He greeted..

I sad hi back and we walked to my car. When we got to the hospital, I saw his mother again and we chatted about to his grades and behavior and such. He's a good student so I didn't really have to say much. Well I did go to the front desk and ask about the payments I was paying for this by surprise. I wasn't going to tell Jacob I was paying for it today until after the treatment. So when me and him left we just hung out all day really, we became friends, more than student and teacher. " Wow.... of we weren't in the same school building I think we would become pretty close friends." He stated. I pouted " So you mean to tell me we aren't friends?"

" fix that frown! And no I didn't know you wanted to be friend's with me.."

" Of course I do, you're nice, you're goofy and funny and youre-" I cleared my throat and shook my head " Looks like Mr.August has a crushh!"

"Tuh!pshhhhh on who?"

We walked by a park and sat down on the bench. " Me dummy."

" Well jacob having a crush on a student isn't as easy as you think."

" Well what's so hard about it?"

" Teaching, when you go to school it's like it's nothing between you too, it's hard ok?and then it's like we'll this is my student.... I can't do that"

I looked down and I can't believe I just said that I like my student.
" Well Mr August it won't be hard because I very cooperative. Also I don't know.... I guess I kind of fell in love with your kindness."

We both laughed and decided we shouldn't date, but it'll be different. Just like a bestfriend thing. You can say that.

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