^+ Part 10 +^

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(EDITED (2024 me)

No pov:

Time:2:36 AM

"Hey guys" lo'ak said breaking the silence other than the quite sound of megamind playing on the tv "Mhm" roxto mumbled. "What" aonung said, his legs had gone numb due to neteyam being sprawled on his legs. "We should like start a band." lo'ak lazly said. "What instruments do ya'll play?" roxto asked now laying on the floor next to lo'aks beanbag. "Well you already know i play drums" aounung added. "Well i play sax and oh spider plays well most precision instruments!" Roxto exclaimed. "Okay i play electric guitar, and neteyam oh god, well he plays guitar, claranet, bass claranet, piano, violin, he also sings!" Lo'ak said out of breath. "Jesus" roxto and aounung said in sync. "Well kiri and tsireya sing and both know some shit on the ukelele" lo'ak dragged out the the last word. "Sounds like enough peeps for a band to me" aonug said.



"What do you mean were starting a band!?" neteyam yelled. "Hey, calm down its not that deep we even made a list of songs see?" aounung turned the paper to face neteyam.

I cant handle change by roar, singer:aounung

Far away singer:kiri

Sleepwalking by all time low, Singer:lo'ak and aounung

Kinda hate U kinda love U singer:tsireya

"Oh my god, are the others on board at least" neteyam dragged his hands down his face. "Yeah it would be me, you, spider, roxto, aonung, kiri, and tsireya!" Lo'ak said. "Fine." "YEAH!!!"screamed lo'ak and the other two boys. "Okay well were would we hold rehearsals." neteyam questioned. "My garage" aounug said calmly. "Okay well when" "every sunday and thursday" roxto added. "When, how, and where would we preform?" neteyam asked. "Wellllllll, we were hoping you could help with that part." lo'ak smiled."Okay fine we can start a band." "well its sunday so get your instruments its meeting time!" aonung ran out of the room with his fists in the air. "I need my keys!" he ran back in then out again.


At aonungs basement

"Okay! Now that all the boring stuff is planned now for songs first up is i cant handle change chosen by me lo'ak, being sung by aonung!" lo'ak announced. "And ill play guitar,  aonung will obviously sing, spider can play drums, neteyam you can be on keyboard. And kiri you can sing the female part and roxto   and reya will sit that one out!" "okay!" they all said. "Next song!, Far away by EASHA will be sung by kiri i will play drums, lo'ak on guitar, and neteyam on keyboard, spider could you play electric guitar too?" aonung said. "I dont know how though" spider said blank faced. "You'll figure it out! Anyway reya and roxto you can sit this one out!" aonung stated. "Kk!" tsireya said. Spider sat confused in his chair. "Kay! Sleepwalking sung by aounung-" lo'ak got cut of "i thought you were?" a confused aounung said. "I changed my mind anyway this is really the same lo'ak and spider on guitar roxto will play trumpet or something!" lo'ak finished. "And lastly i chose kinda hate u kinda loave u were i will sing and you guys can play whatever you want!" tsireya announced. The rest of the next 6 hours were filled with only one song in witch they started with far away.

(srry this was so late and i havnt got to the birthday idea sorry. Also how tf did they pull a band together overnight?)

(EDITED. Hello its me in 2024 yes im back! i am re-editing all of my past chapters bc i see how shitty they are ily bye!)

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