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-April 5th, 2013- -Gabi POV-

"Come on Gabi, Happy Hour is almost over. I want cheap appetizers and hot guys. Or hot appetizers and cheap guys. Either's cool as long as one of them is covered in ranch." Sofia says, rushing me as I'm finishing Josh's breakfast.

"Do you know who else loves ranch? Josh. And thousand island, but funny story- not blu cheese." I reply.

"Do you know the definition of a funny story?" Sofia asks me as Josh comes downstairs smelling his breakfast.

"Hey Sofia! Did Gabi tell you about my little party?" Josh asks, noticing Sofia standing at the counter.

"She's going to, at happy hour."

"So Caroline is going to New York to pick up her Vera Wang wedding dress." Josh says.

"With her friend. Verwang." I reply.

"And while she's gone I'm have my Programmer bros over to party. Guess what I'm gonna call it." Josh tells Sofia.

"A bro grammer party." Sofia answers.

"A bro grammer..... Killed it." Josh replies.

"Hey do you guys wanna hear what I'm making?" I say and Josh comes in closer to me.

"Give it to me." Josh replies.

"Nooo." Sofia says, looking bored.

" Saracha, jalapenio poppers." I say.

"Wow, that's hot." Josh replies.

"Mac and chesee topped with barbicue potato chips."

"Don't stop."

"Cheese fries with sour cream."

"Keep going."

"And for dessert."


"Double stuffed fried orio." I finish.

"Oh my god." Josh says.

"Oh, I never thought I would miss the blu cheese story. Bye." Sofia says pulling me out of the apartment, and I realize Josh and I got super close to each other.

"Bye." I say before shutting the door.

"What the hell was that?" Sofia asks as we walk to the elevator.


"You two just had...and oreo-gasm. Now I know why you don't think about dating other guys. You treat Josh like he's your boyfriend." Sofia says as we walk in the elevator.

"I do not." I say, getting deffensive.

"Please, you're so hung up on him."

"No I'm not. Ok we had one drunken night a month ago. I'm over that."

"Oh really? You're over it. When was your last date?"

"What was the last saturday?"

"The twelfth."

"Then uh, four months might be right Sofia."

"Thank you. You need to get back out there. Start dating again. Turn your taxi light on so guys know you're available."

"Oh and I am. Taxi Gabi is ready for a ride." I say as the elevator door opens and we see a very tall, handsome guy standing at the door. "Well that worked fast." I say as Sofia pushes me aside so he can get in the elevator. "Hey there." I say, trying to look hot.

"Hey. You going down?" The cute guy asks.

"Well not without a dinner and a movie." I say with a smile.


"So my apartment is a bit step down from yours. You have a doorman, I have a chalk outline of a doorman. I'd invite you in but I went a little fast with my last guy. We had one drunken night together, then he proposed. To someone else." I say as Cam and I walk up to my door.

"Sounds like a country song." Cam replies, and I laugh.


"I'm cool to take it slow. I have an early morning anyway. I should go."

"Yeah. You, you should go." I say, wanting to kiss him,

"I should." He replies.

"You should really go." I say, then Cam pushes me against the door and we start to make out, and we keep hitting the door. When we stop he leaves, and I go inside, then Sofia greets me with a smile.

"Hey." I say, greeting her.

"Sounds like that went well."Sofia says.

"Sofia, he's smart, funny and he's a great kisser."

"What I hear you saying is thank you Sofia."

"Yes, thank you Sofia you're the best friend ever. Cam is sweet, thoughtful and he totally respects the fact that I want to go slow. Wait what if he just left because he doesn't like me?" I say getting worried.

"How good does it feel to lose your self esteem over a guy again?" Sofia asks.

"So good." I say.


"Yeah!" I say then we hug and get excited.

"So did you tell him about you being pregnant?"

"No." I say as Sofia gives me the 'are you serious' look. "I don't want to ruin this relationship yet. He's a great guy."

"Well you're going to have to tell him, unless you don't think it'll go anywhere." Sofia says.

"I want it to go somewhere, I just don't know if it will. I'm going to give it a few days." I reply.


"Hey Gabi!" Yolanda says, greeting me.

"Hey Yolanda how are you on this perfect beautiful angle like morning?" I say while frosting cupcakes.

"Someone is either on a sugar high or got them some sugar high." Yolanda says.

"Well I know I usually don't talk about my personal life at work because I didn't have one. But I do now!!" I say excited.

"Really who's the lucky guy? Did you met him online?" Josh asks.

"No on nine. His name is Cam, he lives in the building, I met him in the elevator." I answer.

"The elevator? Why the hell didn't I think of that? I mean it's free it's close by and if the men live in this fancy pants building he can aford some fancy pants. Haha." Yolanda says as Elliot comes in skipping. "Speaking of. What are you skipping for? Did Channing Tatum come out of the closet?"

"I'm happy because I'm about to get invited to Josh's party. Watch!" He says as he walks over to Josh. "Hey Josh! I've got a surprise for your party. An advance copy of Courpses of four fifteen."

"Courpse apocalipse? Yes! I've been dying to play this game." Josh says looking at the game.

"Me too! And since is so hard to get. I was wondering if there is anyone else you want to invite? Someone who loves this game or someone who just said he loves this game?"

"Yeah my buddy Amir."

"A what who?" Elliot says, dissappointed.

"Thanks Elliot." Josh says.

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