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-May 15th, 2013- -Gabi's POV-

Kathy was at mine and Sofia's apartment while I tried to make her like me, and make her not think I'm a gold digger.

"Well, should we go over to the living room for some Scotch that I paid for and have the receipt to prove it?" I ask her.

"Gabi, clearly Josh told you what I said." She replies.

"Yeah, he did. And I swear I am not a gold digger. This thing between me and Josh, the baby has nothing to do with his money or me wanting it. It was a stupid drunken mistake that just happened."

"You know what? I believe you. I believe you're not a gold digger."

"Thank you, Kathy." I say after sighing a huge sigh of relief.

"You're just not good enough for him."

"Wait what?"

"Remember his ex-fiancée, Caroline?" Kathy asks. "She was rich, educated, and from a good family. And,'re none of those things."


"Excuse me please. Great scotch, cheap glass." Then Kathy leaves the room and Josh comes in the front door.

"How'd it go?" Josh asks.

"Well, it couldn't have gone worse." I reply after I hear a knock on the door. I walk to the door and open it, revealing my dad. "Dad, what are you doing here?" I ask him. 

"Who's the lady who called my little girl a gold digger?" He asks, walking in. Josh's mom raises her hand.

"Ooh, that would be me." She answers.

 "Look, I don't know you and you don't know me but I heard what you said about my baby girl and I was so pissed, I jumped in my car and I drove four hours from Reno just to set you straight about her."

"You left Reno? You should thank me." 

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"I'm standing up for you. Now sit." I sit on the couch, feeling nervous for what is about to be said.

"Uh, sir, we haven't had the pleasure of being properly introduced. Josh Kaminski." Josh says to my dad, shaking his hand. 

"Wh... whoa. Josh Kaminski as in her boss Josh Kaminski?"

", did I forget to mention that on the phone?" I ask. "Josh is in fact my boss and my boyfriend."

"I wear many hats."

"Oh ho-ho, that is, that is too good." Dad turns towards Kathy to speak to her. Great. "So, your son is a boss who's taking advantage of his much younger, innocent employee...and yet my baby girl is the one who lacks class?"

"See this Jerry Springer scene here? This is what I'm talking about when I say your daughter lacks the pedigree for my son. The apple doesn't fall far." Kathy says.

"Oh, no no no. He's the apple that doesn't fall far. My daughter is an angel..."

"This is unbelievable." Josh says, pulling me to the side. "We're barely officially into our relationship and everything keeps happening! Everything but the sex."

"Really, Josh? You wanna go there now?"  I ask.

"I'd like to go there anytime." We hear a shattering sound, as if a plate had fallen. "But I think my mom just threw a plate. Kind of her signature move." 

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