Chapter 4: Chamber of Cleansing

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Holy guacamole, I feel like I just devoured a whole buffet! I'm practically glued to this chair because I'm so bloated.

Nefeli, on the other hand, had a quick bite and disappeared like a ninja. She mentioned something about getting my warrior suit ready. Who knew the Mythic Warriors had their own cosplay extravaganza?

As I slowly peeled myself off the chair, nature started knocking on my insides.

Uh-oh, this is what I've been babbling Brave!

YOU hungry monster, now you're facing a tummy rebellion! Gosh, I hope they have a bathroom around here.

Does this realm even know what a restroom is? And, do they experience the call of nature just like me?

I mean, seriously, this chamber is bigger than a football field! I wandered around aimlessly and right now, I'm desperately searching for a bathroom, and I mean, seriously, it's like my body's playing a prank on me, making me feel like I'm about to explode! I searched high and low, but guess what? No luck! It's like all the toilets vanished into thin air, leaving me in a total panic.

Anyway, I had no choice but to go on a wild goose chase to find a deserted spot where I could finally do my business in peace.

Yes. In. Peace.

And then, on the right side, I spot this epic open space with tons of big leaves surrounding it.

"Well, desperate times call for desperate measures."

Who needs toilet paper when you've got Mother Nature's bounty, right?

So, after a quick scan of the surroundings to ensure my privacy, now that I was convinced it was just me, myself, and I, I shamelessly dropped my load and, oh my goodness, the relief was indescribable!

I released all the pent-up pressure like a deflating balloon, and I swear I heard angels singing the Hallelujah chorus! Oh sweet relief!

As I'm cleaning up with one of the leaves (yeah, I know, super weird, but hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go),

Out of nowhere, I heard a deep and husky voice. "Did you know that this place is a sanctuary?"


And where did that voice come from?!

I frantically look around, trying to locate the source of the interruption.

And then, bam! This dude perched chilling on a tree, all cozy with a book in hand.

I'm in the middle of a top-secret mission here, and now I've got an unexpected audience.

Can life get any more awkward?

I swear, at this moment, I just wanted the land to swallow me whole!

I can't see his face 'cause he's rocking a mysterious cloak, but I swear I recognize that voice.

Could it be the same mysterious dude I encountered earlier?

The one who had an uncanny knack for showing up at the most inconvenient moments?

I blink in disbelief as he materializes right in front of me. Yep, it's definitely him—the enigmatic man from before.

I could feel his penetrating gaze fixated on my, uh, masterpiece.

In a panic, I swiftly kicked fresh leaves over it, attempting to mask the...uh... undeniable odor.

Desperate times call for desperate cover-ups!

Unable to muster any coherent response, I did what any self-respecting individual would do—I sprinted like my life depended on it!

I bolt like a bat out of hell, hoping to escape the cringe-worthy situation.

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