Chapter 10: The Celestial Embrace Armor

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So, like, the next morning rolled around, and my fellow warriors and I were summoned once again to the Nexus of Ascendency by the all-powerful realm councils.

Apparently, it was time to choose our gear for the ultimate battle ahead.

Talk about an early wake-up call, am I right? I swear, they could've at least served some tocilog for breakfast.

As we warriors walked into the Nexus, my eyes widened at the sight of the countless weapons, armors, and gadgets on display.

It was like stepping into a futuristic dream store. I mean, forget about the latest iPhone or trendy sneakers—this was next-level gear, ready to make us warriors look like straight-up badasses.

Of course, the mysterious man, who only I could see, popped up by my side. He had this mischievous twinkle in his eye, like he knew exactly what was about to go down. I turned to him, raising an eyebrow.

"Alright, Mr. Tudum guy, spill the beans! How do I navigate this crazy world of weapons?" I asked, trying to sound all cool and knowledgeable.

"Well, even if I spill the beans and tell you what to pick, you ain't gonna pay attention, right? I mean, let's be real here. First, you chose Elouera than Arcadian, and second you chose a Slime than the Phoenix?!," he replied with a hint of sarcasm, making me wonder if he's just messing with me.

"Hmm, you got a point. But hey, you did me a solid last night. So, how 'bout a little quid pro quo? I scratch your back, you scratch mine?" I suggested, remembering our previous encounter. Gotta give credit where credit's due, after all.

"Oh, helping you? If I didn't, I'd be just some nobody. Here's the deal, Brave. I'll help you out, but you gotta lend me a hand too," he said, sounding a tad desperate, like he's got a secret agenda or something.

I couldn't help but remember our little pact. But seriously, how the heck was I supposed to help him when I didn't even know what powers I had?

"You claim to be the almighty powerful one, yet you can't even help yourself? That's kinda ironic, don't ya think?" I quipped, raising an eyebrow at him. "And by the way, I don't have any super-duper powers like you do, just FYI."

"You will. If you just listen to me." He said. Oh, I have to believe him this time right?

I leaned in closer, eager to hear his words. "Tell me, what unique armor shall I seek?"

A faint smile tugged at his lips as he whispered, "The Celestial Embrace Armor—a manifestation of ethereal enchantments and ancient craftsmanship. It harnesses the cosmic energies, granting you unparalleled protection and a connection to the celestial realms."

My eyes widened in awe. The Celestial Embrace Armor sounded like a legendary masterpiece, something beyond imagination. "Wow, that's... truly extraordinary. How can I obtain such a remarkable artifact?"

The mysterious man's voice carried a hint of solemnity. "It lies hidden deep within the heart of the Nexus. Seek the guidance of the wise Oracle of Arcana. Only she can unveil the path to this sacred treasure."

I nodded, a mixture of determination and reverence filling my being. "I shall find the Oracle and unlock the secrets of the Celestial Embrace Armor then of course with the help of my Moo-Moo beside me" I lean down and caress the slimy ears of Gooey Mochie McSquishington.

"By the way, what is it that you desire in return for helping me?" I inquired, sensing a profound sadness in his eyes before he spoke.

"I want to know my past, I want to be acknowledged. I yearn to be seen. I crave the essence of existence," he whispered, his words laced with longing.

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