Chapter 9: Zarmonian

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In the latest announcement from the Realm Council, they dropped a bombshell on us, saying there's a mountain of tasks we still need to conquer to master our powers.

Finding our familiars is just one of those daunting quests. Days and weeks passed by quickly here in Agartha and honestly, I feel like I'm drowning in an ocean of overwhelm! I learned more but not all of their history, the maps, the laws but you know sometimes doubts cling to me like stubborn barnacles, constantly whispering, "Can you handle this, Brave? What else can you even do?"

Welcome to this glorious arena, where we're meant to sharpen our powers and unlock our true potential.

Sometimes, amidst the chaos, my mind drifts into a deep abyss of contemplation, questioning the essence of my own power. I possess the almighty Vesmir, an ancient relic of untapped might, yet I'm clueless about how to harness its full potential.

It's like everyone in this realm has been blindfolded when it comes to the Vesmir...nobody notices it, nobody asks about it.

But, I can see it crystal clear! Maybe I have to check if it was only visible to me?

With determined steps, I approached Elysia in her designated training room. My intention was unravel the enigma of the Vesmir's visibility. It's as if I'm the chosen one with special x-ray vision for mythical accessories.

"Hey, Elysia!" I chirped, hoping to catch her attention.

"Oh, Hi, Brave," she responded, her voice dripping with an attitude that could curdle milk. Boy, oh boy, how can I make this flashy bracelet of mine the center of her universe? Well, first, let's shift the spotlight to her warrior suit. Ah, yes! That peculiar bracelet she's sporting, a vibrant fusion of blue and green hues.

"Wow! Look at that magnificent bracelet of yours," I exclaimed, adding a touch of exaggeration for good measure.

"Ahh, this?" she nonchalantly replied. "It's a masterpiece crafted from the rarest materials found in Zarmonia, courtesy of our realm's most esteemed elder. Impressive, isn't it?"

"Wait a second, does that mean you're a Zarmonian by blood?" I inquired, my curiosity on full throttle.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, delivering a snarky retort. "Oh, I didn't need some fancy summoning ritual like you actually... I earned my place among the mythic warriors through sheer hard work. I am the chosen champion of our realm, in case you were wondering."

Oh, well, pardon me, Ms. Attitude! So, you're the self-proclaimed champion now, huh?

Color me surprised! I guess I missed the memo where we had to climb Mount Everest to prove our worthiness.

Note to self: Next time, ask questions before jumping to conclusions.

Sigh, Brave, when will you learn?

But Elysia wasn't done flaunting her credentials. She added, with a smug grin, "And let me make it abundantly clear, I'm no ordinary run-of-the-mill warrior. I'm one of a kind!"

Oh, please! This girl really knows how to rain on my parade. But hold your horses, Brave. No time for a clash of egos. Instead, let's focus on why you even bothered striking up a conversation with this snarky missy.

Summoning all my wit and flair, I staged a grand spectacle, as if unveiling the Vesmir to her.

"What on Agartha are you doing?" she snapped, clearly bewildered by my theatrics. "What the heck, Brave?" she exclaimed, her tone dripping with disbelief. Can she not see the dazzling Vesmir? Maybe it's true, she's completely oblivious.

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