Chapter 8: Familiars

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As the final warrior sealed the deal with their chosen familiars, the room buzzed with anticipation. The realm councilors, their eyebrows raised and curiosity sparked, eagerly awaited the unveiling of the extraordinary bonds formed between warriors and their magical BFFs.

And then BAM! It happened.

The phoenix, with its blazing plumage and fiery flair, strutted its stuff and chose Elvthyone.

Whoa, talk about a jaw-dropping moment!

The chamber erupted with gasps, followed by a chorus of laughter that echoed. Even I couldn't contain my giggles-I mean, come on, the irony was deliciously spicy.

Here I was, Brave, the laid-back warrior of Elouera, choosing a humble slime as my sidekick.

And there, Elvthyone, the mystical mage, had snagged the attention of the fiery bird.

It was like a plot twist no one saw coming, a meme-worthy surprise that would make even the most serious councilor crack a smile.

Amidst the laughter, a sense of wonder filled the room. The realm councilors, those wise old souls, exchanged intrigued glances. This was no ordinary familiars moment, my friends. It was a living, breathing reminder that fate likes to throw curveballs and mix things up like a DJ at Coachella.

Elvthyone's eyes widened with a mix of awe and gratitude as he gazed upon the magnificent phoenix perched on his shoulder. "This is unreal," he murmured, a touch of reverence in his voice.

I snickered, giving my trusty slime a fist bump. "Well, well, well, who needs a majestic whatever when you can have a loyal slime? It's low-key and easy to maintain. Plus, it's the perfect party companion for spontaneous dance-offs."

As the familiars found their match, the chamber erupted in a wild display of magical companionship.

Elysia, the healing guru, locked eyes with a sea dragon, its scales shimmering like a thousand disco balls at a rave. I mean, talk about making an entrance! I half expected it to break into some sick dance moves right then and there.

Orion, the mighty warrior, stood side by side with a majestic horse. But not just any horse, my friends. This horse had the power level cranked up to 11, like it was ready to join a superhero team or win a Kentucky Derby with a rocket boost. I couldn't help but imagine Orion and his trusty horse blazing through the realms, leaving a trail of epicness in their wake.

Nymeria, chose a fiery white lion as her companion. A mane on fire, eyes burning with determination, and paws that could create a fireworks show. It was like Nala from The Lion King got a mega power-up and decided to join our squad. I swear, if we ever needed a hype team, Nymeria and her fierce feline friend would be our go-to duo.

Demona, the mysterious necromancer, had a black panther by her side. It was sleek, silent, and oozed a level of coolness that made me want to put on some shades and strike a pose. The panther had this whole "I know secrets that even the realm councilors don't" vibe going on. I wouldn't be surprised if it had its own secret lair hidden somewhere.

And let's not forget Arkvin, the all-knowing one, who chose a wise and powerful owl as his familiar. This bird was the epitome of "I've got all the answers, but I'll still mess with your head." With its knowing eyes and hoots that seemed to contain the wisdom of the ages, it was like having a walking encyclopedia and a comedian rolled into one feathery package.

And then there was me, Brave, chilling with my loyal slime.

Yup, you heard it right-a slime.

While everyone else had these epic creatures by their side, I went for the gooey, squishy option. I mean, who needs a phoenix or a dragon when you can have a companion that doubles as a stress ball?

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