Chapter 6: Realm Council

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A whole bunch of beings gathered here in the midst of Thiya, and damn, the size of this place is mind-blowing! I didn't realize it at first, but it's so freakin' spacious that it could easily fit a thousand beings. I can't help but feel a bit uneasy with all their eyes fixed on us.

I mean, yeah, we're supposed to be their saviors and all, but it's just not my jam to be under constant scrutiny, you know? It's nerve-wracking to see in their eyes that they have sky-high expectations.

Like, damn, the pressure is real! It's like every move and gesture has to be flawless.

I scanned the crowd, desperately searching for Elvthyone, but he was nowhere to be found.

Just like before, most of the warriors were hiding behind their mysterious cloaks, playing peek-a-boo with their identities. I had zero clue who they were or what they looked like.

All I knew were Elvthyone and Nymeria. Oh, and that stunning babe standing beside Elvthyone? Yeah, her name is still a mystery to me.

I was right beside Elvthyone's majestic throne, eagerly waiting for his arrival. But of course, he had to keep me waiting. Classic.

And then, out of nowhere, the cheers erupted, and a thunderous beat filled the air.

It could only mean one thing...the freaking Realm Council had arrived. My heart practically jumped out of my chest when I saw Elvthyone strutting in, flanked by those mysterious council members.

Seriously, what's the deal with everyone trying to be all cloak-and-dagger, hiding their faces and stuff?

But man, oh man, my eyes were glued to Elvthyone.

He was drop-dead gorgeous, like a walking dream.

Time seemed to slow down as he took his seat right in front of me..

And then he did it. He freaking smiled at me.

Gah! Brave, pull yourself together! It's just a smile, for crying out loud! Don't let yourself go all mushy and starry-eyed.

Keep your cool, girl!

As Elvthyone flashed that heart-stopping smile, I tried my best to maintain my composure.

Deep breaths, Brave, deep breaths.

But dang, his smile had this irresistible charm that could make even the coldest hearts melt.

My mind was racing, desperately trying to think of something witty to say, but all I could manage was a goofy grin.

The other members of the Realm Council were no less impressive. Each one exuded an aura of authority and wisdom. They were like legends come to life, draped in their majestic robes, their faces hidden behind ornate masks, adding an air of mystery and intrigue.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness in their presence.

These were the powerful beings who governed the realms, making decisions that shaped the fate of our world.

Elvthyone rose from his seat and gestured for silence.

The entire chamber fell into hushed anticipation.

His voice resonated with a commanding tone, capturing everyone's attention.

"Warriors of Thiya, esteemed members of the council, we stand at a crucial juncture in our realm's history," Elvthyone began. His words held a weight that seemed to linger in the air, sinking deep into our souls.

"Today, we gather to discuss the challenges we face, the threats that loom on the horizon, and the actions we must take to preserve the balance of power."

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