Chapter 12: Spiritwatch Necropolis

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As I mustered up the courage to make my move towards Elvthyone, a surge of nervous energy coursed through my veins.

Alright Brave, time to unleash your inner ridiculousness and catch their attention in your most epic way possible.

I confidently strutted over, giving off those "Smooth like butter like a criminal undercover" vibes, when suddenly, a mischievous idea sparked in my mind.

Without hesitation, I executed my plan with flair.

I pulled off an impressive stumble, tripping over my own feet like a professional klutz.

Arms flailing, I embraced the chaos and made it look like I had just discovered an invisible banana peel.

The room exploded with gasps and laughter as my theatrics captivated everyone's attention.

Elvthyone's eyes widened in surprise, fighting back a grin that threatened to break free. I quickly gathered myself, flashing them a sheepish grin.

"Oops, did I just invent a new dance move? The stumble shuffle, maybe?" I joked, trying to play it off cool.

Elvthyone couldn't contain his amusement any longer, a smile playing on their lips.

"Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance. I'll give you that, Brave."

I chuckled, feeling a rush of relief. "Glad I could provide some entertainment. Life's too short to take ourselves too seriously, right?"

Elvthyone nodded, his eyes shimmering with laughter. "You definitely know how to keep things interesting. I have to admit, your fearlessness is quite impressive."

Just as we were about to dive into a more lighthearted conversation, Mr. Tuduuum, invisible to all but me, popped up beside me with an excited grin on his face.

"Brave, that was epic!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with playful delight. " just added a new chapter to the book of epic entrances."

I playfully rolled my eyes, giving him a good-natured nudge. "Seriously?! Can't you let me have my moment without stealing my spotlight?"

He feigned innocence, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "Come on, Poo poo master, where's the fun in that? I'm just here to add a touch of spice to your already... exciting life."

I rolled my eyes. I couldn't fathom how he always managed to appear out of nowhere. When I glanced to my left, I couldn't help but notice Elysia's eyes burning with a hint of jealousy. A pang of guilt shot through me, but I knew I had to follow my own path.

But the conversation with Elvthyone continued, and to be honest, I found myself growing more at ease in Elvthyone's presence. That silly stumble had broken down barriers and paved the way for a genuine connection.

"So, Elvthyone, tell me, do you believe in cosmic coincidences or do you think there's a greater force at play?" I asked, a playful glint in my eyes.

Elvthyone chuckled softly, his lips curling into a smile. "Well, Brave, I must admit, I find it hard to believe in mere coincidences. The intricacies of the celestial realms and the timing of our summoning seem far too perfectly aligned to be a random occurrence."

I leaned in a little closer, unable to hide my growing attraction. "It's funny how our paths have crossed in this extraordinary realm. Makes me wonder if there's a cosmic conspiracy to bring us you and me?."

What the fuck? Are these words really coming out of my mouth? Why do I feel like I'm being possessed?

I stood there, dumbfounded, as the unexpected expletives escaped my lips. My mind was in a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief. How could I have uttered such words? It was as if my thoughts had been hijacked by some external force, leaving me feeling both alarmed and bewildered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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