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"Do you really think he likes you?" Rosie asked Andrea, who was sitting in a corner while looking at her. The question made her pause for a second to think about it, she remembered Ryan's face when he was with her and made her smile smoothly. But she remains silent."First look at your class then imagine about him nerd. He is just pitying you, do you even know his ideal type? A most beautiful, hot and sexy girl with a perfect body unlike a nerd like you. He loves someone who has a great sense of fashion as him and is perfect in everything as him"She said while Andrea listened to her every word and of course she is right as she is his childhood best friend. Andrea stayed silent and looked down as her confidence faded away when she mentioned the words which made Rosie smirk in satisfaction. Andrea saw her leaving the classroom. She remembered when Ryan said we can't be friends in University as he doesn't want people to think low of him so Andrea accepted it even when his words hurted her. Is he ashamed of her? Nowadays when Rosie and her friends bully her in front of his eyes, he doesn't even try to help her. He becomes another person in University. But she is happy that at least he is with her, that's all she wants. Both of them are far different from each other which makes her feel insecure but at least he is friends with her.
Ryan and Andrea were walking together but Ryan noticed Andrea is being so quiet today which he didn't like at all. "Hey charm, are you okay?" He asked gently, she just nodded in response which made him more curious. She is thinking about the words Rosie mentioned."Hey is there something bothering you?"He asked again but she didn't reply instead looks at her either side. "Hey Andrea! Tell me what happened? Are you okay?" he asked being worried. "Today a kid called me ugly." She lied.
She said while biting her lips making him sigh in disbelief by her. "Seriously a kid? That kid must be blind, you are so beautiful and believe me every guy wants to be your boyfriend."
"Don't joke around" she said. "I'm not kidding Andrea, you should've slapped that mannerless kid" "I did, I pulled both of his ears for that and I don't care if it's child abuse. It was his fault though" she said just to make him laugh. Ryan laughed when she pouted her lips. She smiled back making Ryan feel relieved that she is finally in her mood. He gently holds her hand, and moves further. Andrea pressed her lips when her heart exploded inside. She pinched herself again to feel if it's real, and blushes feeling his touch on her skin.

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