Chapter 10

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I look all over back stage and I can't find Matt anywhere!, I look into his dressing room, and a tears start streaming down my cheeks. Matt. He's making out with some blond bitch. Matt looks at me, Rachel wait! He yells.

I run and I see tay, "what's wrong baby girl ?" He asks as i run into his arms

Matt was making out with a blond bitch I stay with tears in my eyes, it's ok !
Authors note: yes tay does know I like Matt but he's completely ok with it bc he knows she loves him more.

"I love you beautiful!" He says

"I love you too Tay" I say replying

We start performing again and I after we do all of are dances, Taylor takes the microphone from cam.

"Ok guys I would like you to take out all your phones! and video tape this then post this on all of your social medias! Because I've been hesitating to revel this for awhile now. But here it goes! You guys ready? Ok"

"Rachel and I are dating!" "And I really love her she's my princess!" I say grabbing her and kissing her on the lips. (All the girls are screaming) I hope you guys post this because I'll do a liking spree after the show! Love you guys!

It's Q and A Time!


Fan 1: Taylor! How long have you and Rachel been dating?

Answer: well 4 weeks now!

Fan 2: Rachel 1-10 how much do you love tay?

Answer: I can't say 1-10 because I love him 100000 more times then that!

Taylor: I love you more!

The Boys are answering the rest of the questions,

"Rachel I'm so sorry!!" Matt says

"Save it matt!"I say walking away

Cam: well I'm sorry guys but the night has come to an end!!! We love you New Jersey you were amazing!!! Love you guys!! Goodnight!

We all get in our SUV trucks, the groups are the same in the cars as they are in the rooms so I sit next to tay and Matt. Matts just pretty much staring at me the whole ride. But I just ignore him.

We finally arrive back to our hotel and tomorrow morning were leaving for our next stop and that's CALI!!!!

As soon as Matt gets through the door of the hotel room and storms into his room slamming the door behind him.

Tay and I walk back to our room and get ready for bed.

It starts pouring rain and storming outside, "you were pretty brave telling the fans about us tay!"

"Well they needed to know sometime and thats what supermans supposed to do right" he says winking.

It's so cold! I say

Not for long he says jumping onto the bed and wrapping me in his muscular warm arms. "Goodnight Taylor Michael caniff" I say "goodnight my princess" he says

"I love you so much" I say

"I love you more" he says back

"Now shut those beautiful eyes and go to sleep so you can get your beauty rest" he says kissing me on the forehead. 💕

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