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Tired of loving




We are like French and Spain in main round of group one

Both know our worth

Back and forth

No one makes proper move

No one wants to win nor lose

When it is all already finished and done written off as moving on no matter what we show

Only thing left to answer

What's the name of next opponent to study to adore until it hurts when score board says we lost another round never enough to be loved the way you love strangers from hallways and courts that are nothing but groups of scavengers hungry for skin and meat to devour

Sunlight finds me after a year

Still as in love as when mutual friend had to drag him away as he turned in flustered mess playing smitten cool kid in town we called only ours because it never stopped smiling it never found out about us

I told him I don't want to ever love again

I am empty, I said

And his blues reached across all the moments making us terrified to stay in love

I hate everyone

Real and imagined

Who took me away from your heart that was ready to love me in darkest nights deepest snows lowest Celsius when our town turned cold and bitter and friends found new friends to call best ever judging my every move calling me delusional when I finally stepped outside my head and wrecked chaos I swore I would one day

But I became too big even for myself who could love monster who wants entire world to herself?

His smile is still mine

Future undecided

Isn't all future hanging on a line until you decide to finally show your heart?

Praying doesn't help

No words can change course we are to take when universe makes up its sinister mind

Fake friends who smirked when we collided

You still have to see them but they don't get invited to parties

You have new coat

And I have no gloves

Hans still smokes, did you know?

Coach will have his ass if he finds out

But it's not them we are talking about anymore


Saw me in town

She is asking you if it's over

Went home wrote me a song

Now I know what I forgot

How could anything ever be enough, you say

Saved you from fire

Set alight another in your heart

Nights spent on high pedestals of minds that believed in every lie

I just wanted someone else to be my god

Got sick of same face same words same doomed negotiations that leave bitter taste of lust behind every I love you

We sat in bathtub coming down

Thought you were lying when you painted me your god

Everything was funny

Guess I took too much

Because you were the one carrying me home

Already knowing I am yours

And now your words feel like waves on night shore

Soft and gentle push

Toward truth

Are you my moon?

You weren't joking

All the smiles and flirting attempts

All Viennas and secret kisses and hallway ten questions masquerade balls pretending we aren't memorising moments before they are gone

Even your friends rolling their eyes

And people making scales how pathetic would one need to be to fall for someone like me

All the alcohol all the coke

All the poems All the rhymes

All the tears All the bloody knuckles

You weren't messing around

They all laughed

But your eyes still seeked mine

You stayed true to your heart

You weren't messing with my mind to get a laugh when you said you were in love

Incredulous you wonder why would I even go running down that path when it's all gravel and brambles

He said same thing

Adding a laugh

Got too confident

Then spent whole day wondering if I handled exchange any different if i hadn't pushed it would he leave me nevertheless

My mind is confused

It can't be explained and labeled and score set in conversation

He didn't know what to do with me

With my kindness

With my camouflaged love

And I didn't know how to let go of what we could become

So I stayed

In the dark

Knowing I am only for midnights

Stubborn prats

Both of us

Keeping each other in drawers in messy bedrooms of messy lives

Polite not to bother the other

Wasting time we could be spending getting to know each other

Breaking prejudices boundaries barbed wires

Taught politeness stabs where knives and bullets could never

It's unkind

It's violence

Neither is innocent

That's why we both hide

In nights when even shadows stay quiet

We are the criminals on the run

If they find us

We won't be filling covers

Yours will gather around you and swear it was all my sick little bewitching ploy

Saw weak enough bones to latch onto to trick them to fall for my twisted schemes

Is that all I am, dear?

Modern witch?

Back to sunlight,

That had nothing on blue winter glamorous crystal

I was the one bewitched

We promise each other diamonds in alliance

Hans figured it out before we said it outloud

'So how is blondie?' He asked once over bathroom sink dusted with escape we shared and I didn't know how to tell him we are all creatures imagined by my madness.

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