off with her head!

12 2 0

The wicked witch brought me to my knees

Messed with my mind

Forced Intrusion dirty secrets

I keep from myself to survive

Who in the garden of thorns you are to get inside people lives 

Rummage through it

Pull it apart

In a swipe of a cloak

Left me there bleeding on the ground 

Gone on to the next one

To stuck her jaws in fragile bones innocent souls

And feed

Hide children quick hide yourselves! 

Mind is a fortress a last defense

Against witches and jesters and ogres and know-it-all-hounds that bark deep red sharp lies


Go to the woods

It will take care of us

It will hide trails behind us so we can never be found

And may the witch burn burn burn so she knows what hopless feels like. 

Witches like this don't deserve poems to be written about them words to be used on such a waste. 

Shame polar bear has to share a world with something like that. 

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