your friend found me in the woods

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I am lost in the woods.

Starry night sky is looking down at me

But I can't feel a thing.

He comes he comes

I hear voices coming from the house

It is dark in this corner I am hoping I am afraid they will never find me.

I need you I need you find me please

Dugging my fingers in earth

Muddy wet crumbs stuck to my skin

There are leaves and branches swaying overhead in thin breeze.

It lifts my shirt and crawls inside

Tattooing me as one of their own.

It is dark dark dark so dark

I thought my mind was doing better

You smiled I smiled

We made secrets we laughed we hid in our own world of little delights

Someone is over me

They shout

I wonder is it for others

That they found me lying in the bed of dying green and orange and yellow in the lower part of the woods where darkness is so thick it fills your lungs before you realize it was a mistake to wander away this far.

Stars are falling stars are dancing stars are swaying stars are staying where they are.

Hands lift me I am carried I heave but no air finds its way in

Crackling snapping breaking crunching

Birds don't sing this down

My head is hanging from my neck my bones are dismantling I am weightless my thoughts are a void darker than late December night sky.

Voices voiced voices

More voices

But I notice something odd

Voices are soft and urgent

Not demanding.

You are here I know you are

I still haven't opened my eyes

But I know I know I know I know your smell I know the smell that stains the air as you become a part of its collage.

Combed my hair from sweat drenched forehead and said 'you are aright you are alright I am right here I am here.'

The voice of its own accord that holds my love

I am dying I am dying

You squeeze my hand

I need you


You say

Stay don't leave not yet

You plead

I refrain from asking why

I don't want to break your heart

So I force to open my eyes and find myself looking into the angel's ones.

I am dead I am dead this is heaven

But wait.

You can't be dead too.

No no no it must be some terrible mistake

I only ever asked for myself to die

Leave him alone

He is not gold nor pure

But he is young he has time to learn how to become better and stay true to all the things he wished upon as child.

If you were not magically turned into an angel,

What are you doing in heaven?

The answer comes as other faces come into focus and air starts to nest in my lungs

'you are alive, thank you universe and all the stars that were out for you tonight .'

I wake with a start, and I am quickly snatched by, and thrown into reality where we give up and lay down for death to appear fast and merciful on shattered heart and colorful artful beyond everything troubled mind.

I need you.

I need you.


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