boy in the wood

31 4 0

I hate living in my head

Imagining everything is fine

Then turning around

And realizing its not

Lovers are mist of sparkles and stars

Shimmery stuff 

Never to touch

Always to dream about

My Feelings aren't like ones they are for

Solid as castle

Deep as light penetrates jewels in kings crown

Ready to die for your heart

As knight ready to use his sword to end his life if in his heart he thinks he did not help enough in war

And that's how you end up in a forest

Light as feather

Reaching for the sky

Giving yourself to the wind

To teach you how to fly

Standing on tip of your toes

Never coming down

Be kind

And love

So we can dance in the green green glenn

Not wish we were dead

We ain't knights

We aint kings

We ain't even children

We are ghosts told we will feel better if we don't feel anything

Bury your lovers and you shall live

Defeat your enemies and say you are sorry 

Burn a castle

Steal the jewels 

Hide them never to use 

There is so much more to steal 

You will enjoy these when you are old and cant no longer raid when you fall into bed and dreams of better days are all that's left

You teach us we are nothing until there is a throne to call our own

But you forget

Jesters sly smile and cunning mind are ones that bring most rulers to the crown.

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