my friend lives in deep forest

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our family friend's friend had a son who ran to forest

surprise was a word of a day as the word got out 

bruised and blue unbudging gem of most crystal truth before gathered excuses at the wake all dressed in drought

forgotten were the screams given as answer to heart begging to be listened

wind rippled through his clothes shadows ran ahead of him before tree line closed 

they said there was snow on his soles

i imagine he outrun his demons and held victory ball in snow covered grove

my friend goes to party of some friend who is not my friend 

i text 'have fun' then wonder how to make new friends if you are never invited anywhere 

my friend talks about birthday dinner he is taking his friends to while i  am waiting behind glass for irony to be acknowledge

he played it cool said he doesnt like mixing his friend groups

there are crumbs of cake for me if i wish to come day after at tea time

we are so polite makes me want to throw up aren't we supposed to be having fun before they come with chains cause we failed to do a runner while jury was out

i would say it's karma that coincidences aligned making him revoke his invite if i weren't taught to be polite and not this spiteful monster that resides behind my smile behind all my carefully crafted lies

bluest eyes i have ever seen outside my mind 

how did it feel when your plans fell out

did you think of loneliness between my cracks 

did my words come back  sinister echo from place of regret

taking red slip out of wallet like you could ever forget what you wanted from night out

isnt it tragic to know love is conditioned paradox: made to be loved, unable to love 

you have so much to learn

i hope you will be free one day just like birds in your inked prayer

blame it all on the date on calendar 

ignorance has nothing to do with supernatural 

I have always wanted to find the culprit

why does it matter if someone doesnt care 

we will all be oblivion one day

i wonder did son of woods keep a diary 

did he write his thoughts hoping poison will get out 

did the realization that hopelessness has no way of getting eradicated once it takes root made his handwriting messy and impatient 

did he break his own heart during sleepless nights that became only respite from world that only knows how to shout

did the daydreams fail him miserably did the dreams gave up on him 

did he hold on till winter as last hope someone would follow the foot marks and stop him 

i hope he found freedom

i hope he howls with wolves

i hope he haunts nightmares of every soul that made him feel unreasonable and fragile

i wonder did they throw away the diary 

did they burry the guilt to survive cause that's what this is all about

survival of cruelest.

it's never no one's fault but your own for believing someone cares how you wish to live your life 

people will do everything to kill your will to live 

build piers for your dreams then warm their socks on ashes of your descend now that you cant fly away 

release arsenic if needed in air you breath  to kill whats left alive

people will rather kill the good that try to give advice in good nature mistake of putting themselves on line for someone who will never change when told their behaviour hurts those around them 

snow melted three times over since lives faded into names parents are afraid to mention in front of those that stayed

like escaping the doom of drowning in bilge of your burned ruined silenced potential is not the bravest con 

for someone who i never really knew outside birthday parties when we were still kids when we were still all invited,

his ghost sure does work overtime to haunt my words like we have shared history unfinished business cautionary tale keeping me alert never to drop my guard keep writing poison will only get blacker but dont you let it stain your heart 

perhaps the dead get transcript of souls similar  to avert them from going over percipice before it's too late

how long were we fighting same war unknowingly on same sides different frontlines

who counts fallen and lost 

who reads anymore poems of the disturbed 

run uncorrupted child, run away dont look behind 

there is nothing here worth saving 

all the good ones are dead or snuffed out anyway.

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