°•The Past•°

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Harold : “Olivia what did I say about getting out of your room. ”

Olivia : “I'm sorry father... ”

Harold : “I don't want to hear it. Get back to your room or I'll put you back in the basement. ”

Olivia : “ I will father. ”

Skyday went back upstairs to her room her parents never let her outside or anywhere she couldn't really do anything in the mansion at all she would only do what her parents told her to do she never really had the attention like her sisters both parents always had arguments skyday's father was always been very abusive to her the mother never cared for her the ones that took cared of her were only the maids they loved her and cared for her when skyday tried to help a stranger she would always make mistakes she was used for money until one day she tries to fight back.

Abigail : “How dare you speak like that to your mother!? ”

Olivia : “It's your fault for being such a terrible mother!? All I ever
               wanted was to make you both proud!? ”

Olivia : “Don't you even love me!? ”

Abigail : “why should I love a disappointment like you. ”

Abigail : “You are nothing to this family!? Me and your father never 
                 wanted to have you!? ”

Abigail : “You should be grateful that we let you stay. ”

Olivia : “is this what you call “parenting”? ”

Olivia : “I have never seen a parent that could be so cruel to their own                child!?

Olivia : “one day when I grow up I'll find someone who would actually 
              care for me!? ”

Skyday grabbed the empty bottle of wine and threw it at her mother luckily the mother dodged she looked at skyday with anger she opened her mouth wanting to say smth but it didn't come out she was silent skyday walked away closing the doors harshly running to her room tears  going down her cheeks she opened the door and closed it crying on her pillow she heard footsteps and the sound of keys and she went to her door trying to open it. It was locked she panicked she screamed and cried for someone to unlock the door but no one heard it she tried to break the door but she was to weak she sat on the ground crying whispering to herself that she's safe over and over again her eyelids started feeling heavy and everything went black.

Skyday woked up her hair was a total mess and her eyes hurt from crying a lot yesterday she looked at her surroundings and walked up to the door trying to open it. It was still locked she sat down and looked at the window seeing the beautiful sky she smiled suddenly a knock was heard she didn't say anything the door then was unlocked showing Anna she had a worried look on her face when she saw skyday curling up like a ball her head on her knees Anna walked up to her with a tray of skyday's fav food she putted the food right in front of skyday. Skyday looked up at her then back to the food she smiled and ate the food Anna chuckled seeing skyday's face have a lil bit food on it she wiped it off with a napkin brushing skyday's hair with her hands she felt a bit sad for skyday living in such a cruel place till she had an idea.

Anna : “Olivia? ”

Olivia : “hm?”

Anna : “one day when I get paid enough I'll let you live me with me. ”

Olivia : “REALLY!? ”

Anna : “really.”

Skyday jumped on her bed happily constantly Celebrating for herself Anna joined in till they were both interrupted by skyday's parents they glared at Anna she froze for minute then walk out Abigail looked at skyday a disgusted impression on her face and whispered to Harold he nodded and left the room.

Abigail : “pathetic child. Why can't you be more like your sisters? ”

Olivia : “I can be who I want to be.”

Abigail : “Whatever you dirty little rat. ”

Abigail walked out of the room closing the door. Skyday felt like she wanted to just strangle her but she's only a kid how would she be able. To choke her own mother? Skyday sighed she got off her bed and went to take a shower

(Time skip)

After getting ready she got out of the room and sneaked outside with Anna .  They were going to get groceries since the parents were busy with themselves Anna let skyday chose whatever she wants since skyday never really had the experience a kid was supposed to have. Skyday was happy being with Anna she was like a mother figure to her when they got back skyday helped Anna with putting away the groceries and also helped with making dinner with the other maids/Butler's skyday went back to her room signing happily and smiling she was tired and asked Anna to tell her a bedtime story and so she did while Anna was telling skyday a story about the sleeping beauty she started getting tired and slept Anna stopped and smiled she kissed skyday's forehead and turned on the nightlight and tuned off the lights.

Anna : “Goodnight my sweet child. ”

Anna closed the door and walked away.

(My hands hurt from typing so much 😭)

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