°•Sick..?•° (part 3)

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(Olivia) Sky day's POV

I woked up my throat was sore and raspy so I went down stairs to get some water while I was drinking my sisters woked up and alr started having arguments I was fine with it since it's normal I sighed and just geabbed some toast and my coffee and went back upstairs I checked my phone to see if there was anything today. Nothing I checked on other social media's. Nothing I groaned and open the window the wind hitting my face and seeing some kids playing some elders talking and some adults doing they're normal routines after I inhaled the sweet relief of the wind and walked to the bathroom taking a nice warm shower while singing a tune after I was done I wore some casual clothes and went to the theatre room since I'm bored I brought my fav candy with me just to watch the movie

(Time skip)

After the movie I looked at the time it was already 17:57 *that was quick* I checked my sisters rooms they weren't anywhere *they must've went shopping again and why at this time? * I thought. I went back to my room suddenly my ears were ringing and my head hurted even my vision was kinda blurry i threw up on the floor crystals and pink blood I was terrified I wanted to cry but it hurts so much but if I did it might get worse I tried to balance myself but instantly fell I threw up more and more tears rolled down my cheeks I tried to balance myself but of course I fell. I crawled instead going to my drawer to find anything to stop it I found some pills and swallowed it and dranked some of the water I had on my table the pain stopped my eyes we're puffy and red bcs of silently crying I laid on the floor I didn't feel like getting up after the pain. I held my stomach I looked at what's making it so painful one of the crystal's was inverted in my stomach I was bleeding I panicked I didn't know what to do I got up and tried to find the first aid kit after I found it I wrapped myself with the bandages it was quite hard to do it without my sister's help but they're not here so I couldn't really do anything but do everything myself after wrapping myself I laid on the bed trying to get my phone from the lil table drawer beside my bed I got it and checked my phone it was alr 18:15 I sighed and closed my eyes I couldn't take any of this why does this happened to me I then fell asleep once again.


After the sisters came back they went to Olivia's room seeing blood and crystals on the ground and Olivia sleeping while her stomach was terribly wrapped with the bandages alice fixed the bandages and lotus went to grab an ice pack and some warm blankets while Yuri cleaned up the blood also getting rid of the crystals after that the three sisters looks at Olivia she looked like she cried a lot they felt bad and gaved Olivia her plushed bunny and went out of the room.

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