°• Getting along?•°

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Skyday was just normally sitting on a bench waiting patiently for Rachel. She was already getting bored till she heard someone call her name "Olivia! ” skyday looked at where the sound was to see Rachel. Rachel waved and so did skyday she smiled happily but it quickly fades when she saw Andrew also waving Rachel ran up to skyday and hugged her skyday smiled and hugs back. “I thought you were coming alone like you said on the phone. ” skyday said Rachel quickly let go of skyday “oh! Well I promised Andrew that we could hangout today. So I hope you don't mind! " Rachel said. Skyday looked at Andrew and stuck her tounge out at him Andrew gave her the middle finger with a smirk on his face skyday wanted to just strangle him but she's to weak to do that so she ignored andrew. Rachel told Andrew that she was hungry so they all went somewhere to eat. Rachel kept waving to random people and surprisingly they waved back and smiled skyday looked at Andrew to see him admiring his girlfriend from the back. Rachel stopped and pointed to a restaurant “Let's go there! ” Rachel said happily also mixed with excitement they all went in and it was quite fancy then other restaurant's Rachel kept telling skyday many stories about what happened on trips skyday couldn't help but chuckle at the silly stories Rachel told the waiter came in with three menus and Rachel always not knowing what to choose she asked skyday which one would be better. Skyday doesn't really know what to choose since her sisters always do it for her. So skyday picked a random order the waiter took the menus and they waited for their food's. Andrew and Rachel were chatting with each other also flirting skyday got a bit jealous and disgusted but she ignored them. Suddenly skyday felt a sharp pain to her stomach she felt like she wanted to throw up she got up and ran to the restroom and threw up on the toilet she felt like as of she got stabbed. After throwing up 5 times in a row she got up and cleaned some of the pink blood. She sighed and went out of the restroom and went to Rachel and Andrew and sat back down on her seat Rachel looked at skyday and asked her if she was alright skyday nodded the waiter came in with their food's and Rachel being the sweet loving girl she is thanked him and started eating her eyes has star's in it alsmot drooling a bit skyday didn't really like what she chose but ate it anyway after they ate Andrew paid and Rachel asked where they wanted to go before skyday could even open her mouth Andrew suggested to go the mall and so they did Rachel kept choosing which outfit was better but she looked good in everything. Skyday only chose some oversized sweaters and baggy clothing and some new shoes while Rachel had a lot of dresses Andrew paid for both and Rachel dragged Andrew and skyday to the makeup isle skyday didn't really like make-up but she just did whatever Rachel wanted her to do as long as it makes her happy Rachel tested some diff tones of lipstick and just tested on Andrew and skyday after testing many lipsticks Rachel chose the red velvet one. Skyday didn't get anything since she alr has many Andrew paid and they went out of the mall and it was pretty late so Andrew called his dad to pick them up skyday said that she'll be fine walking but Andrew grabbed her wrist tightly and clenched his teeth “Your coming whether you like it or not” skyday winced at how tight Andrew held her wrist he let go and they went in the car. Rachel was alr asleep on Andrew's lap. Andrew looked at skyday with a glare skyday just gaved a confused look "what? " she asked "oh stop acting like you don't know Olivia. " Andrew said skyday rolled her eyes "I don't know what you mean. " when they arrived at Andrew's home he picked up Rachel bridal style and mentioned skyday to open the door and she did skyday was about to leave but she was dragged back inside by Andrew "Let go off me Andrew! ” skyday practically yelled at him but Andrew didn't care he stopped dragging skyday and signalled her to sit beside him skyday sat with him and they're was just about awkward silent between those two " so uhh why did you drag me here for? " skyday asked quite confused and nervous about what's going to happen “oh! Well Rachel told me to get along with you. ” he said skyday raised a brow and tilted her head blinking a few times “come again? ” she asked “well it's just that she has seen many of our fights before and she wanted us to "get along" so I want to start having a conversation with you. ” Andrew explained skyday coughed and straightened her posture silent filled the room once again “well I don't really like having conversations. ” skyday said she was getting quite cold after all she's just wearing a sweater and a skirt Andrew took noticed and lit up the fireplace and held skyday's hand gently making her sit closely with him skyday was so confused "why is he being so nice? What does he want from me? Is he planning to kill me!? ” skyday started panicking a bit Andrew just poured tea for both of them skyday took one carefully not trying to spill. Andrew looked at skyday up and down “y'know your kinda cute up close. ” skyday almost choked on her own tea she looked at Andrew a tiny bit of blush crept on her face “your joking aren't you." Skyday said “no. I'm just saying did I make you uncomfortable? ” Andrew asked skyday shooked her head “no. It's just that you never compliment me before and it's kinda weird. ” skyday said still a bit red Andrew chuckled and looked at the fireplace then back to skyday “well did you at least liked the compliment? ” Andrew asked skyday shooked her head once again Andrew went closer to her skyday started blushing madly Andrew bursted out laughing seeing skyday's reaction. He looked at skyday one more time and smiled.

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