Even if for Only a Short Time

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Jimin doesn't know how long it's been when he wakes but he does notice how empty the bed is. The omega frowns, as he sits up in the bed. He brings the furs up over his chest, the chill of the room still there but not nearly as bad now that the fire is lit in the corner of the room.

He called out but his voice barely came, nothing but a rough whisper, "Alpha?"

He sighs to himself before standing. He didn't know where his clothes were, so he wrapped himself with furs before trying the door. Jimin's shocked when it opens.

He walks out and calls again, slightly louder but it was more of a croak than anything, "Alpha?"

"Jimin! You're up!" Jimin looks over and sees a familiar face.

"Hoseok? What are you doing here?" Jimin asks, wincing slightly, his throat really hurt.

Hoseok smiles brightly at him before walking to the cooking area, "Yoongi asked me to stay here in case you woke up while he was out." As he spoke, he took a pot of water that was warming over the fire and poured it into an old cup. He crushed some herbs and stirred them into it before adding honey.

While he was working on the drink Jimin asks, "How long was I asleep?"

Hoseok hums, "Yoongi said when he woke up it had been about eight hours and he's been gone for about four, so I'd say maybe 12?" It makes sense, it was hibernation time, 12 hours is the average an omega sleeps during this time of year.

Jimin starts to speak but cuts himself off with a cough.

Hoseok holds out the drink to the omega, "Here, for your throat."

Jimin smiled as a thanks before taking the concoction and sipping it, his throat feeling relief almost instantly.

Hoseok smiles as Jimin drinks, "Can't imagine how much your throat hurts. Heard your screaming all the way over at my den."

Jimin blushes a dark red as he pulls the furs over him tightly. Hoseok lived on the other side of the pack's land.

Hoseok laughs softly as he leads the omega to the large couch. Jimin crawls onto it and nestles into the corner of the couch, bringing his knees to his chest, and curling into the furs. He breathes the scent of the alpha in deeply.

"There's no need to be embarrassed Jimin. He's the pack alpha, the experience was probably intense." Hoseok smiled softly at him, just trying to get the omega comfortable.

Jimin was grateful that Yoongi had gotten a beta to be with him while he was gone, even more so it that it was Hoseok.

He nods shyly, "It- it was definitely something." The fur blanket was hiding his smile.

Hoseok couldn't help it as he felt happy for the omega, even more so for the alpha, "You know you were his first omega."

Jimin nods again, "I- I wasn't sure but he said some things during that implied I was."

"He was your first alpha too, wasn't he?" Hoseok asked softly.

Jimin felt his chest warm, "Y-yes. He was."

"How are you feeling?"

"In what way?" Jimin laughs softly.

Hoseok laughs with him before looking at him earnestly, "All of them, all of the ways. Tell me everything. I know that an omega's first alpha can be very overwhelming. I'm here to listen."

Jimin pulls the fur away from his mouth and sighs, "Well, I'm sore. All over, Hoseok, I am so sore." He said it so honestly, but it elicited a bright laugh from the older man. Jimin pushes his shoulder, "Don't laugh!"

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