The Moon's Mate

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"You're leaving?! B- But what about the pup?! What if it happens while you're away? The healer said I could be due next week! What if they wanna come before then?" Jimin starts to panic, hand stroking his big belly to calm himself.

Yoongi places his hands on the omega's cheeks and looks him in the eyes, "I'm not leaving you here. I was going to ask if you would come with me. I have to go, the pack alpha of the Water Pack said it was urgent but I'm not missing the birth of my pup. I'm not going to let you be alone."

Jimin starts to calm but his frown is still there, "But what about my family? I don't want them to miss it either. I- I need my mother there."

Yoongi moves his hands to the omega's now plump waist, "They can come with us. I'll make sure they are treated with the utmost respect and accommodated for."

Jimin's eyes well up with tears as he lets out a soft cry, "You're so good to me, Alpha!"

Yoongi smiles sweetly at his mate. The young omega has been an emotional mess the past 18 weeks but with the last trimester Jimin has been especially sensitive, "Oh omega," he tries not to laugh at the situation and instead pulls his mate close, "No need to cry!"

Jimin sniffles, "I- I can't help it! I love you so much! I love this pup so much!"

Yoongi pulls away and rests his hands on the omega's stomach, "I understand my love. Come now, you shouldn't be up and about more than you need to be. Let's get back into the nest."

Another wave of tears hit the omega as he wails, "Ah! You take such good care of me alpha!"

Yoongi can't suppress his laugh this time, "Oh how I love you so, little one."


Jimin is asleep on Yoongi's back when they arrive at the Water Pack's borders. The alpha shifted into his wolf form to ensure Jimin would be comfortable. Refusing to let him ride a horse like his family because 'a horse would jostle him too much.' Jimin just thinks it's because the alpha likes having him rest against his back and playing with his fur, but he'll keep that to himself. For now.

When at the border of the foreign pack Yoongi shakes his body just slightly, arousing the omega from his slumber. Jimin rubbed his eyes, "Are we there?"

The wolf nods his head as an answer and Jimin sits up, hand resting on his belly as he does so. He moves so his legs dangle off Yoongi's side before speaking again, "Ready, love."

The wolf lowers his body and lets Jimin down with ease, thankful his brothers were there to help him. When Yoongi shifts back the omega hands him the ancestral furs that he covered up with while asleep.

Yoongi quickly puts them on before placing his hand on the small of Jimin's back and pulling him into a kiss, "Do you feel rested?" He asks once they part.

Jimin nods, a smile on his lips, "Yes alpha, thank you."

Before much else could be said Taehyung whines, "Oh stop! It's hard enough to be away from Hobi but to watch you guys be all lovey-dovey makes me miss him more."

Jungkook nods, "I understand brother. Makes me miss Namjoonie dearly."

Jimin smiles at his brothers, "The trip shouldn't last long, right Yoongi?" He looks to his alpha.

Yoongi nods, "It better not. I want to have you home when it's time, not on some other pack's soil." Yoongi mutters under his breath something about how this better be an emergency.

Jimin holds his alpha's hand, "It's ok wherever we are as long as you are near."

Yoongi takes a breath before nodding, "Ok, it's time we go in. Remember, let me and Alpha Seong handle everything. You don't need to stress yourself."

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