Stay With Me

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"The Run is an ancient ritual for our people. It began hundreds of years ago when our omega population was small, outnumbered 8 to 1 by alphas and betas. With such numbers there became tensions among alphas and betas. Fighting for omegas in the streets. People were killed in the name of breeding an omega. The Run was the solution to this. It is a competition to mate or breed an omega. A test of strength, speed, endurance, strategy, and anything else important for an alpha or beta to possess to provide for an omega. It is our hope that with this Run all omegas will be taken from the forest by a worthy alpha or beta to continue the population of our pack." The elder omega woman spoke from the platform.

Jimin felt nerves eating him from the inside out. He looked back at the line of alphas and betas behind him. They looked predatory, ready to hunt. The young omega felt like he could throw up from how anxious he felt. But this is what needed to happen. This was the only way he could get over the pack alpha. The only way he could move on.

He looked back to the front and saw a pair of omegas walk out carrying trays of cups. The head omega spoke again, "The ritualistic drink will now be passed out. With this drink the omega's will enter heat once they are caught by their alpha or beta, making the conditions for breeding ideal."

One of the omegas comes to him and Jimin takes a cup in his shaky hands. He looks at the drink. It was pink with green and red herbs and flowers swirling around in the liquid. He looks to his sides to see the other omegas tipping their cups back and downing the liquid.

Jimin takes a deep breath before squeezing his eyes shut and downing the drink.

"At the sound, the omega's will be released. You will all get a 10-minute window to run, hide, or wait. Then at the second sound, the alpha's and beta's will be released. The Run will continue until the last omega is brought from the forest." The woman explained.

Jimin couldn't help it as his eyes scanned the crowd. He knew the pack alpha rarely came to The Run, but his heart still wanted to see him. Just place his eyes on him one last time before he was mated to another.

But he wasn't there.

Jimin looks ahead once more and that's when he heard the call of the horn. His heart raced as his feet carried him as fast as they could.

Jimin wasn't even looking where he was running, he was just going. Jumping over rocks, weaving between trees. As he ran the realization hit him, he didn't want to do this. He didn't want it to be this way.

But it was too late. He would have to abide by the rules of The Run.

When the second call of the horn rang out Jimin knew his fate. He would be mated and bred by someone he didn't want. By an alpha, he barely knew. By someone that wasn't Yoongi.


The second horn rang out and the alphas and betas took off into the forest.

He was late, fuck! He was late!

Yoongi arrived after all participants of The Run had already entered the forest. He had just caught wind of a rumor that Jimin would be taking part in the ritual this year and he ran as fast as he could. He stopped at the now-empty starting line and looked around frantically.

A loud voice asked from the crowd, "Pack alpha? What is wrong? Why are you here?"

Yoongi looked into the crowd, "Tell me, is the omega Park Jimin from the Moon line partaking in this year's run?"

He is met with silence and that only annoys him. He roars with anger, "Tell me now!"

A voice finally calls, "Yes pack alpha, he is."

Ivy Leaves And Oak TreesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora